Sunday Snippet: The Whine, Then Find the Sunshine Edition
My shoulder hurts, really aches, from spending so much time in front of my computer, working on editing gigs and writing Jack and Maddie’s story. Son is dealing with a lot of stuff that I wish so much I could take off his plate, but I can’t. I can only listen. (Even when they’re in their forties, your mom instincts kick in.)
We’re doing work on the lake cottage, making choices about where we want to spend refurbishing dollars this year, except that those dollars now have to be shared with medicine expenses because I hit the damn doughnut hole with my heart meds this week. Dammit.
Goodreads refused to get rid of the one-star troll rating on my next book, which is in no one’s hands but mine and my publisher’s at this point in time, so it’s impossible for anyone to rate it because no one has it to read it (See how that works, Goodreads?). **Update: ARCs are going out, so now there is a 5-star review up! YAY!**
I’m so incredibly tired, and that worries me a little because it makes me wonder if the HFrEF is getting worse instead of better, but I know in my sensible head that I’m working too much and not taking enough breaks and that’s the issue, not my old tired heart.
So, because I ask my Pollyanna personality to kick in when I’m feeling overwhelmed and want to do nothing except crawl under the covers and read, here’s the sunshine for this week. We got rain, both at home and at the lake and we needed it–desperately. I found flowers for the lake cottage deck on sale at Kroger and did all the summer deck bedecking (pun intended!) for under $50. YAY!
I’m better than 40K words into Jack and Maddie’s story, and they are in my head bouncing on the balls of their feet and waving their arms wildly with Okay now this is going to happen! and Hey, what about adding this? and Can’t we kiss again? or Even better, have a huge fight? All in all, the story is happening and I’m writing as fast as my fingers can move across the keyboard, but I’m still worrying about not making my deadline. Fortunately, I write for the absolute best publisher in the world, and they are kind and gracious when my deadline flies past and I’m still typing like mad woman. It’ll be tight, but I think I’ll make it.
Took several evening after-work walks with neighbor/pal Mary and saw a busy bee on a daisy who was so intent on its work, it didn’t even bother to look up when I snapped this picture–bees are coming back. YAY x2! Kristin Higgins’s new book landed on my Kindle this week and I’m in late-night reading heaven because, you know…Kristin Higgins.
Got to spend a fun day off (after a morning of writing) with lake bestie, Moe, at Bailey’s, which is a huge warehouse-type place that is very hard to describe, but fascinating to wander. I bought new measuring cups and spoons for the cottage, a couple of Paris tea towels, an oven mitt, Ritz peanut butter crackers, and chocolate. All at huge discount prices. It’s a yeah, sure I could use one of those kind of place. Then we went to One-Eyed Jack’s for lunch–a cool old tavern that is real treat. A good day with a dear friend. Thanks, Moe!
I am blessed, mes amies, and even though I sometimes let other stuff get in the way of counting those blessings, I try always to remember to come back to the little things that make my life wondrous. Gratitude is a magical antidote to tough weeks.
Stay well, stay safe, be kind, and most of all, stay grateful!
Latesha B.
Hope the week is better for you, Nan.
I hope you get some extra time to relax today and this week.
Margie Senechal
And in less than a week you’ll be in the great PNW, baby! Can’t wait to see you in a week (plus one) Safe travels.
Liz Flaherty
Hoping you relax a little this week!