• Sunday Snippet: The July Memos Edition

    Yup, it’s that time again… I have some things to say… Dear July Weather, I’ve enjoyed the rain and wow have we needed it! That said, I’m kinda over the sultry heat and humidity. Can we just stick to the low 80s and a shower or two, or even a great gully-washer, for the rest of the summer? Swelteringly, Nan ~*~*~*~ Dear Hair, You know I love you and that I can even be a little prideful of how pretty you are most of the time, but (and refer to the previous memo to weather), it would be nice if you’d hang onto a style for longer than five  minutes…

  • Author Spotlight: Big Author News from Me

    Yup, it’s me in my own spotlight this week because man, oh, man, July has suddenly become crazy promo month for yours truly. So, I’m going to post everything that’s happening here, with links, so you can pick what you want to check out. Right off, Tule and I are doing several fun things this month: Goodreads giveaway: We are giving away 100 e-book copies of Make You Mine, book 1 in the Walkers of River’s Edge series over on Goodreads. Just click one of the links and it will take you to the page where you can enter for a chance at one of the 100 copies. This lasts…

  • Sunday Snippet: A Real Snippet!

    Good Sunday to you all. Thanks for stopping by. I don’t say it enough, but I really appreciate all my lovely readers who come by every Sunday to see what’s happening in Nan’s world. I’ve never considered myself to be all that fascinating, but I sure am glad you want to be here with me. Right off, I’m nervous as heck about the cardiac PET scan tomorrow–seriously nervous and scared about what they might find. But, we take whatever comes along and deal with it, right? So… that’s that. I won’t have any conclusive results before I go back to Dr. B to discuss what the test showed. I’ll get…

  • Quick Update: We’ve Got a Contest Happening!

    Oh, mes amis, just a quick post to let you know about a fun contest/promotion I’ve got going now through June 6! It’s a biggie! A chance to nab 20+ sweet romance books and a free e-reader! Check this out! Love is in the air… If you haven’t read Make You Mine, you can enter to win it on BookSweeps today — plus 20+ exciting Sweet Contemporary Romances from a great collection of authors AND a brand new eReader 😀 Here’s the link https://bit.ly/azbb-sweet-contemporary-romance When you’re done, comment to let me know you’ve entered! Hope you’ll come out to play with me now through June 5! Hugs galore!

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  • Author Spotlight: C’est Moi!

    We have winners! Congratulations to Cathy Shouse, Meg Napier, and Debra Pruss–you all get a a free e-book ARC of Make It Real. You’ll be hearing from my publisher! Thanks to all three of you and everyone who stopped by to chat! I love talking to my readers!  Every so often, I hop into the Author Spotlight to let you know about stuff happening with my own books. Today, we’re all about Make It Real--book 2 in The Walkers of River’s Edge series. Gotta tell you, I love. love Lee Hyat’s cover on this one! She’s captured Joe and Kara and the whole feel-good vibe of Make It Real. Joe…

  • Author Spotlight: It’s Me! I’ve Got a New Release!

    It’s here! Release day for Make You Mine, book 1 in the Walkers of River’s Edge series. I’m so excited, I’m practically squeeing! This book is a little different for me because my heroine, Maddie Ross, is someone sorta out of my wheelhouse. She’s a tough, independent, career-driven woman who’s been fighting the glass ceiling. Not quite as soft a heroine as I usually write. She was a challenge, but one that I loved. Here’s the blurb. The book is available in both ebook and print, so please do nab it if it isn’t already on your Kindle. I’ll be all over the Web this week with interviews and reviews…

  • Sunday Snippet: Another Deep Breath Edition

    How did it get to be April 14 already? I mean, seriously, wasn’t it just Valentine’s Day and the ground was covered with a light blanket of snow and my gardens were still sleeping? Now everything is popping up, flowers are blooming, bushes and trees are leafing out. These are my gorgeous tulips that my sweet neighbor, Mary, gave me for my birthday in September. As you can see, my office garden is starting to wake up. Husband has already mowed twice, and y’all know he’s happiest on his mower. We’ve had torrential rain this week, so the lawn is lush and green and as soon as it dries out…

  • Sunday Snippet: A “The End” Edition

    Yup…I’m there, well, sorta. I wrote THE END yesterday on Cam and Harper’s book, Made for Mistletoe, but I may still have another tiny scene to write, so that will be today’s mission. This book has been a journey. Christmas books always are. I love writing about Christmas in River’s Edge, but getting really creative and coming up with new holiday stories for my characters is sometimes harder than writing stories that happen at non-holiday times of the year. I confess I write my idea of the perfect Christmas in the River’s Edge books and it looks nothing at all like real Christmas in my life/family. Don’t get me wrong–the…

  • Sunday Snippet: The I’m Ready for Spring Edition

    Spring seems to be springing already and you know, we really haven’t had much of a winter here.  Oh, we’ve had few days of snow, but no real accumulation, and a few days of serious cold, but no long stretches of temperatures below freezing. That’s unusual but certainly not unheard of here in the middle of the United States. I remember lots of mild winters. These are crocuses discovered on one of my walks in the hood, aren’t they sweet? My tulips that neighbor Mary gifted me last fall are starting to peek up–they’re going to be yellow, she says, and I can’t wait to see them bloom! But I…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Start of a New Year Memos Edition

    Every so often, I do a memos edition–just random stuff that’s on my mind and needs to be dumped. This is one… feel free to add your own memos in the comments. I love it when you share! Dear Winter, Make up your mind already…snow and desperately freezing temperatures or mild and teasing us with spring? My daffodils are confused and so am I. Shiveringly, Nan ~*~*~*~ Dear Creative Brain, One book at a time, okay? Stay focused, finish Cam and Harper’s story, then you can move on. Distractedly, Nan ~*~*~*~ Dear Chocolate, Yes, I know you are delicious and wonderful and taste like magic, but you have to stop…