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Sunday Snippet: The I’m Ready for Spring Edition

Spring seems to be springing already and you know, we really haven’t had much of a winter here.  Oh, we’ve had few days of snow, but no real accumulation, and a few days of serious cold, but no long stretches of temperatures below freezing. That’s unusual but certainly not unheard of here in the middle of the United States. I remember lots of mild winters. These are crocuses discovered on one of my walks in the hood, aren’t they sweet? My tulips that neighbor Mary gifted me last fall are starting to peek up–they’re going to be yellow, she says, and I can’t wait to see them bloom!

But I think I’m feeling weird because it’s been a weird year and the future feels…a little disconcerting.

I hate feeling unsettled and I am unquestionably feeling discomfited about everything, particularly about the state of the nation, right now. I’m sure it’s because it’s an election year and the choice on the other side is terrifying me. I’m not interested in getting all political here because I could so easily go off on a rant. But I will say that President Biden’s SATU speech impressed the heck out of me. That man may have seen a few trips around the sun, but I gotta tell you, I appreciate him all the more for his hard-earned wisdom. #Biden2024

Liz and I have had endless conversations about life seeming different and sorta uncomfortable right now—like a pair of yoga pants that are a little too snug or socks that keep slipping down. Or maybe it’s because I’m ready to be done with the book I’m currently working and am ready to move on to the next one. I’m hoping that writing THE END this week will even things out in my head and bring some sense of normalcy because, man, I am ready for just plain normal.

On the less-stressed front, Make You Mine, book 1 in the Walkers of River’s Edge series releases in about a month, and I’m well on my way with promo. Lots of fun stuff is planned,  ARC copies are out to the folks who wanted them, although there are a few more available if you missed yours. Check out Tule’s BookSprout campaign, but remember, if you grab an ARC from there, you’re committing to a review.

You know, apropos of nothing at all here, I was thinking about letters the other day. No, not the alphabet, letters as in correspondence. We don’t write letters anymore. Hell, to be honest, I barely “write” much at all these days. Everything I produce is on the computer, and because I rarely use a pen and paper for much more than grocery and to-do lists, my handwriting has suffered. I think I’d like to write a letter or two–maybe go find some pretty stationery. Is there even pretty stationery available these days? Hmmmm … that might be a good thing to explore once I get this book finished and off to my editor. I’m going to write some letters.

So here’s the question of the week: Do you like writing letters? Would you go back to pen, stationery, and stamps if you had the opportunity? If so, send somebody a note today. I’m sure it would be much appreciated.

Gratitude for this week: Got to see Grandboy in the school play, Frozen Junior. He was in the chorus where he sang and danced and was generally adorable. All the kids did a fantastic job–it was an amazing performance by a talented group of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Stuff is coming up in the garden. Walks in the ‘hood are showing lots of color. Lunch with my little group of lovelies was exactly the break I needed midweek. Close to writing THE END on Cam and Harper’s story. 

Stay well, stay safe (yeah, we’re still masking up in a crowd), be kind, and most of all, mes amis, stay grateful!



  • Cathy Shouse

    I’m not sure how I stumbled into this so late but this was a satisfying read, like chatting with you. I’ve always been a letter writer. I have stationary but it’s more like a tablet of pretty, lined paper with sheets that tear off. (Favorite is pink and has a cup of tea drawn in the lower corner. ) I have to get out a plain white envelope to send it.

    There’s nothing more satisfying than an envelope addressed to a dear person, and I’m particular about the stamp I use. I don’t do it “often” but I haven’t given up altogether. 🙂 Sometimes it’s a letter tucked into a care package to a family member who lives far too many miles away. My handwriting is atrocious but no one seems to mind.

  • Kimberly Field

    I have been very much out of sorts lately too. I hope it passes soon. I miss seeing a true spring in the Midwest, but we are going to have a super bloom here. Love seeing all the golden poppies along the freeways. I used to send letters all the time, and I do miss it. Maybe I will be inspired to send one this week.

  • Latesha B.

    I do like writing letters, but I never know what to say in them. Years ago, I bought a lot of pretty stationary, and I know I didn’t use it up. In the various moves I’ve made, I’m afraid it got tossed by accident. I still have hope I’ll find it one of these days. Hope you have a great week.

  • Sandy Pride

    I buy pretty notecards at dt and use them for all sorts of occasions. I mailed students thank you notes because there is nothing like getting cards in the mail. My friend mailed me a valentine from Hawaii and I am having a tough time getting rid of it. My mother receives letters which I have put in a binder with page protectors so she can read them over and over. My cousins found my uncle’s letters that he sent my aunt when he was in service in WWII. Unfortunately, most of my letters are typed and sent electronically. My handwriting is becoming illegible, but communication is still valuable and family history, no matter the form.

  • Liz Flaherty

    The last time I wrote letters steadily was to the boyfriend in Vietnam, although I’ve written many since then. I loved the pretty stationery. I imagine the boyfriend did, too. Spring’s coming, and “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.” Have a great week, Nan.