The Walker Family
Author Spotlight: It’s Me with Some Fun Stuff for You
Congratulations, Debra and Linda, you two are my winners of a $5 Amazon gift card and a free e-book ARC of Made to Love You. I’ll get those right out to you! Yup, today I’m in my own Spotlight, which happens now and again. I hope you forgive my shameless self-promotion, but I confess this blog sometimes does that. It is snowy here in the Midwest, which is okay by me. The world is white and quiet and the snow sparkles in the sunlight. The brisk cold sorta takes your breath away, but it’s wondrous to watch from inside my warm cozy house. Here’s a little something to warm your…
Sunday Snippet: The We’re on Hiatus Edition
Yup, we’re taking a break this Sunday–I have to be at poll worker training early this morning, and besides, you’ve seen way too much of me this week! I’m giving you a break from Nan and all things book-release related today! (You’re welcome!) But I will be back next week to share whatever’s on my mind … see you here next Sunday! However … (there’s always a however, isn’t there?) However … I still want to share the something that delighted me this week, and it wasn’t my book release, although that was grand! It was being with our kids on Friday night for the Headless Horseman Hayride at Conner…
Author Spotlight: C’est Moi!
We have a winner! DeeAnn Kraft, your name was chosen at random as the reader who will receive the fun prize! Thank to everyone who stopped by! So delighted to share the magic of Christmas with you! I’m in the spotlight today with Christmas magic and a bunch of fun! I know it’s only October, but I’m ready for the holidays and so is River’s Edge. Today is release day for Made for Mistletoe, book 3 in the Walkers of River’s Edge series and we are all about the holidays! This one is Cameron Walker and Harper Gaines’s story and it is full of emotion and heart. I cried while…
Sunday Snippet: The It’s Not Christmas Yet, But…Edition
It is only September, but for me, for River’s Edge, it’s almost Christmas! When I write a holiday-themed romance, it’s usually during the gray days of February or the cool rainy days in early April. That’s because for a book to be released during the holidays, it has be done and ready for production by May. So am I feeling the holidays at those times? Not so much. I’m just over the holidays at that point. But I sit down at my desk, close my eyes, and take myself back to River’s Edge in December. The shops are all decorated with twinkle lights and green and red garland. Carly has…
Sunday Snippet: The Don’t Faint, But It’s a Snippet Edition
I know how infrequently my Sunday Snippet actually features a snippet from a book, but that’s because I’m trying not to let each Sunday be all about my books. I muse and whine and talk about other stuff a lot more, and I think that’s okay, don’t you? It’s been a week… but this whole summer has been, I dunno, weird. I’ve been in a strange mood. I think it has more to do with the state of country instead of the state of Nan. For the first time in a very long time–probably since 2008, I feel hopeful again about the United States. Hope has been at a premium…
Sunday Snippet: The Procrastinor’s Oh, Hell, What Day Is It Edition
I’ve been procrastinating…okay, no big news, right? I am a world-class procrastinator. I passed amateur status years ago and have gone into full-time professional procrastination. Nobody wastes time as well as I do. And honestly, it doesn’t even have to be time spent scrolling around the Web. I can put off doing anything that needs to be done with something as basic as folding laundry—oh, excuse me for a minute, I do have to get some stuff out of the dryer… brb… Fifteen minutes later…I’m back, clothes folded and put away, next load is in the washing machine, and while I was in there, I sorted the recycling, which I…
Sunday Snippet: The Maybe This Is How It Happens Edition
It’s August 11. Summer is nearly over. How did that happen? I’ve been married for 51 years! How did that happen? Grandboy is 12 and he’s back in school. How did that happen? I’ve got 16 published novels and another two on the way in October and January, plus I’m contracted to write four more books for Tule. Whew–how did that happen? I’ll be 71 next month, how the hell did that happen? Can you tell I’m a little overwhelmed with… well, life stuff and work stuff and writing stuff at the moment? I am, yet I go on ahead and do what needs doing because don’t we all? The…
Author Spotlight: C’est Moi & I’ve Got a Fun Surprise for You!
We have a winner! Cathy Poyser, your name was chosen at random and you will be receiving my box of goodies. Watch your email, I’ll be in touch! Thanks to everyone who stopped by. I love hearing about your flower memories! Just a quick little spotlight because it is release week for Make It Real, book 2 in the Walkers of River’s Edge series. I had such a good time with this story researching and asking questions about flowers, gardens, landscaping and oh, serious leg injuries and poison ivy reactions. All in a day’s work for authors… Make It Real They were only faking it…. A landscape designer for his…
Sunday Snippet: The Confluence Edition
Confluence: noun; a coming or flowing together, meeting, or gathering at one point I am at the confluence of finishing a book, starting a new book, and promoting a new release. It’s a weird place to be, particularly when I’d rather be somewhere quiet where all I have to do for a whole week is read for pleasure, take long walks along a lovely lake, and simply breathe. I think I might need a vacation… That said, what a wonderful feeling to be able to type “The End” at the finish line of a long arduous writing experience. Aren’t they all? Some more than others. This one wasn’t quite as…
Sunday Snippet: The Book Signing Edition
This post is going up before I do a book signing here in the Ohio River town that is the inspiration for my fictional town of River’s Edge. I’m speaking to a writers group at 2 p.m. and then signing books at a fun coffeeshop right on Main Street. I’m really looking forward to this event, although I confess that the butterflies in my tummy have butterflies. Speaking is so far out of my wheelhouse, but I think it’s a good exercise to do it, and I’m hoping to do more of it at libraries and book clubs. Today, I’m talking about what a copy editor does and what we…