Stories from River's Edge
Author Spotlight: The Taking a Peek Edition
Hello, mes amis, and welcome to a midweek peek at my current work-in-progress. A few months ago, I signed my fifth contract with Tule Publishing. I was so excited when they accepted my proposal for the Dykemans of River’s Edge series and even more jacked up that they were all in for one of the Dykeman siblings to take a little trip to Marietta, Montana. She will still be in River’s Edge for part of the story, so don’t worry–you’ll see Mac and Megan and Sam and all your old favorite characters, but this story belongs to Beth. With Book 1 in the Dykemans series, I’m joining three other Tule…
Author Spotlight: It’s Me, Back in River’s Edge!
**We have winners!! Renee Simmons and Shari–you both won a $5 Amazon gift card Heather Farr–you are the winner of the goodie box. I’ll be in touch with all of you to get your prizes to you. Thanks so much for stopping by! Sure appreciate your support! Hullo, mes amis! Welcome home to River’s Edge! Reviews from ARC readers are already coming in and they’re loving this story! “Every word that Nan Reinhardt writes is a gift to her readers.” “As with all of this author’s books, the stories are clean romances with characters that you’d love to meet in real life.” “Wonderful, heartwarming story where the puppy really steals…
Sunday Snippet: The Writing in the Information Age Edition
It’s been a week, mes amis. I’m working hard on my current WIP–the first book in the Dykemans of River’s Edge series. Liz and I went on a very fruitful, if extremely chilly, writer retreat, where both of us wrote words and did a lot processing. Even more of “what’s the word for this” along with a gesture or a motion. We do that a lot when we’re writing together. Liz is an invaluable resource and I can’t imagine writing a book without her input. We ate some good food, drank a little less wine than usual, and found a fab little place for breakfast right near our hotel. Otherwise,…
Sunday Snippet: The Words Sometimes Come Hard Edition
I’m in a weird place with this new work-in-progress. I like the story, I like the characters, but somehow I’m having a problem getting them to move along. I have more notes about this first story in my new series than I did starting out any other River’s Edge series, mostly because a lot of this story happens away from River’s Edge. But I also have more word notes, more conversation notes, more scene notes than any book I’ve ever written. It’s almost as if I’m writing the book in my notes, but when I get to the computer, the words are coming hard. Funny thing is, I know this…
Author Spotlight: It’s Me with Some Fun Stuff for You
Congratulations, Debra and Linda, you two are my winners of a $5 Amazon gift card and a free e-book ARC of Made to Love You. I’ll get those right out to you! Yup, today I’m in my own Spotlight, which happens now and again. I hope you forgive my shameless self-promotion, but I confess this blog sometimes does that. It is snowy here in the Midwest, which is okay by me. The world is white and quiet and the snow sparkles in the sunlight. The brisk cold sorta takes your breath away, but it’s wondrous to watch from inside my warm cozy house. Here’s a little something to warm your…
Sunday Snippet: The Things I Should Have Mentioned in 2024 Edition
It’s January 5 and maybe a few days late for rehashing 2024, but I have few memos for the past year that I need to get off my mind before I plunge into 2025. Dear Summer 2024, Where did you go? I mean seriously? I know the summer lasted the usual 3-4 months, but it sure didn’t feel like it was that long. We didn’t get enough lake time or enough time to go out exploring state parks and places of interest as we’d planned to do. Stick around and be more organized in 2025, okay? Longingly, Nan ~*~*~*~ Dear Election, Sigh. What can I say? Things did not end…
Sunday Snippet: The River’s Edge Is Happening Edition
I’m old enough to remember when people would say something was “happening.” You know, like “it’s a happening place”? I’m not sure when that phrase started or when it stopped being part of the vernacular, but this past week, my little town of River’s Edge, Indiana, was a happening place–for real. Let me explain… River’s Edge, my fictional town on the Ohio River, is inspired by a real town on the Ohio River called Madison, Indiana. Madison is a lovely place, filled with history and culture and art and wonderful kind folks. It’s one of my very favorite places to visit, and when I wanted a setting for my sweet,…
Author Spotlight: C’est Moi!
We have a winner! DeeAnn Kraft, your name was chosen at random as the reader who will receive the fun prize! Thank to everyone who stopped by! So delighted to share the magic of Christmas with you! I’m in the spotlight today with Christmas magic and a bunch of fun! I know it’s only October, but I’m ready for the holidays and so is River’s Edge. Today is release day for Made for Mistletoe, book 3 in the Walkers of River’s Edge series and we are all about the holidays! This one is Cameron Walker and Harper Gaines’s story and it is full of emotion and heart. I cried while…
Sunday Snippet: The It’s Not Christmas Yet, But…Edition
It is only September, but for me, for River’s Edge, it’s almost Christmas! When I write a holiday-themed romance, it’s usually during the gray days of February or the cool rainy days in early April. That’s because for a book to be released during the holidays, it has be done and ready for production by May. So am I feeling the holidays at those times? Not so much. I’m just over the holidays at that point. But I sit down at my desk, close my eyes, and take myself back to River’s Edge in December. The shops are all decorated with twinkle lights and green and red garland. Carly has…
Sunday Snippet: The Procrastinor’s Oh, Hell, What Day Is It Edition
I’ve been procrastinating…okay, no big news, right? I am a world-class procrastinator. I passed amateur status years ago and have gone into full-time professional procrastination. Nobody wastes time as well as I do. And honestly, it doesn’t even have to be time spent scrolling around the Web. I can put off doing anything that needs to be done with something as basic as folding laundry—oh, excuse me for a minute, I do have to get some stuff out of the dryer… brb… Fifteen minutes later…I’m back, clothes folded and put away, next load is in the washing machine, and while I was in there, I sorted the recycling, which I…