• Author Spotlight: More Wedding Bell Mysteries with Nancy Robards Thompson

    What fun I had chatting with my pal and fellow Tule author, Nancy Robards Thompson!  Nancy is a USA Today Bestselling author who writes cozy mysteries, romance, and women’s fiction. Fresh out of college, she worked as a newspaper reporter covering Central Florida government, tourism, and business, but soon discovered reporting “just the facts” bored her silly. Much happier to report to her muse, Nancy has sold more than fifty books to five traditional publishers (and is exploring indie publishing). Her work, which critics have deemed “…funny, smart, and observant,” has sold in 22 countries and been translated into 12 languages. She lives in Tennessee with her husband and their…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Book Signing Edition

    This post is going up before I do a book signing here in the Ohio River town that is the inspiration for my fictional town of River’s Edge. I’m speaking to a writers group at 2 p.m. and then signing books at a fun coffeeshop right on Main Street. I’m really looking forward to this event, although I confess that the butterflies in my tummy have butterflies. Speaking is so far out of my wheelhouse, but I think it’s a good exercise to do it, and I’m hoping to do more of it at libraries and book clubs. Today, I’m talking about what a copy editor does and what we…

  • Tuesday Quickie: Cozy Mystery Deal from Nancy Robards Thompson

    Hey Mes Amis, a Tuesday quickie here! If you’re looking for a fun cozy mystery series, now is a great time to get started with Nancy Robards Thompson’s Wedding Bell Mysteries. SLAY BELLS RING, book one in the series, is FREE for a limited time, and book two in the series, A CRIME OF FASHION on sale for $2.99. Here’s a little bit about SLAY BELLS RING: Fans of Gilmore Girls and Murder She Wrote won’t want to miss this suspenseful cozy novel from USA TODAY Bestselling author Nancy Robards Thompson. It’s one thing to write a mystery, but when your daughter is the suspect — you solve it. Wedding planner Jenna…

  • Sunday Snippet: The July Memos Edition

    Yup, it’s that time again… I have some things to say… Dear July Weather, I’ve enjoyed the rain and wow have we needed it! That said, I’m kinda over the sultry heat and humidity. Can we just stick to the low 80s and a shower or two, or even a great gully-washer, for the rest of the summer? Swelteringly, Nan ~*~*~*~ Dear Hair, You know I love you and that I can even be a little prideful of how pretty you are most of the time, but (and refer to the previous memo to weather), it would be nice if you’d hang onto a style for longer than five  minutes…

  • Author Spotlight: Big Author News from Me

    Yup, it’s me in my own spotlight this week because man, oh, man, July has suddenly become crazy promo month for yours truly. So, I’m going to post everything that’s happening here, with links, so you can pick what you want to check out. Right off, Tule and I are doing several fun things this month: Goodreads giveaway: We are giving away 100 e-book copies of Make You Mine, book 1 in the Walkers of River’s Edge series over on Goodreads. Just click one of the links and it will take you to the page where you can enter for a chance at one of the 100 copies. This lasts…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Me & Writing Edition

    Someone once asked me to share something I learned since becoming a writer. The list is endless, but there a couple of things I can name right off the top of my head. The first is writing is hard work. Anyone who tells you different is either lying or not a writer. It doesn’t matter whether you’re writing a novel or a back cover blurb, a short story or a 500-word magazine article. Writing is hard. It requires discipline and creativity, time and research, and most of all a love of the game. If you don’t love to write, if the process itself isn’t an intrinsic part of who you…

  • Author Spotlight: Leigh Ann Edwards Is Back with a New Release!

    We have a winner! Congratulations, Latesha B, your name was drawn randomly from all our commenters. Leigh Ann will be in touch with you. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and joined in the conversation.  Leigh Ann Edwards always brings the magic when she stops by and today is no exception. She has a brand new book out in her Witch and Demon Hunter series and I can’t wait to read this one! She stopped by for a quick chat and to share details about Dark Knight’s Kiss. Leigh Ann’s fascination with history, romance, magic, fantasy, time-travel and Ireland sparked her interest in creating the Irish Witch Series and her…

  • Sunday Snippet: The I Hope I’m Not Irrelevant Edition

    As I write my 30-something characters this week, I’ve been thinking about how much of the world I am not a part of any more—specifically, pop culture. Liz and I talk frequently about how we are aging out of many things. She wonders if she’s aging out of romance novels–reading and writing them. I sometimes wonder if I’m aging out of being able to keep my plate as full as I do with editing gigs and writing deadlines and book promotion because stuff falls off sometimes, and more often than I like, it’s fun stuff like time with family and friends. Every now and again, I watch younger writers who…

  • Author Spotlight: A Chat with New Tule Author, Kate Moore!

    Today, I’m so pleased to welcome a new Tule author, but not a new author, Kate Moore!  Kate taught English Literature to generations of high school students, who are now her Facebook friends, while she not-so-secretly penned Romances. In Kate’s stories an undeniable mutual attraction brings honorable, edgy loners and warm, practical women into a circle of love in Regency England or contemporary California. A Golden Heart, Golden Crown, and Book Buyers Best award winner and three-time RITA finalist, Kate lives north of San Francisco with her surfer husband, their yellow Lab, toys for visiting grandkids, and miles of crowded bookshelves. Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram N: Welcome…

  • Author Spotlight: Carol Light Is Here with a New Mystery and a Great Giveaway!

    We have two winners! Sue Farmer and Beth Reimer, you will each receive a gift card from Carol! She will be in touch. Thanks to everyone who stopped by! We love hearing from our readers! My pal and fellow Tule Publishing author Carol Light is in the spotlight today with her newest book in the Cluttered Crime mystery series, and I couldn’t be more pleased to welcome her back! No Room to Hide releases today and I gotta tell you, I got a sneak peek, and it’s another winner! Carol is an avid reader and writer of mysteries. She loves creating amateur sleuths and complicating their normal lives with a…