• Sunday Snippet: The Book Signing Edition

    This post is going up before I do a book signing here in the Ohio River town that is the inspiration for my fictional town of River’s Edge. I’m speaking to a writers group at 2 p.m. and then signing books at a fun coffeeshop right on Main Street. I’m really looking forward to this event, although I confess that the butterflies in my tummy have butterflies. Speaking is so far out of my wheelhouse, but I think it’s a good exercise to do it, and I’m hoping to do more of it at libraries and book clubs. Today, I’m talking about what a copy editor does and what we…

  • Quick Update: We’ve Got a Contest Happening!

    Oh, mes amis, just a quick post to let you know about a fun contest/promotion I’ve got going now through June 6! It’s a biggie! A chance to nab 20+ sweet romance books and a free e-reader! Check this out! Love is in the air… If you haven’t read Make You Mine, you can enter to win it on BookSweeps today — plus 20+ exciting Sweet Contemporary Romances from a great collection of authors AND a brand new eReader 😀 Here’s the link https://bit.ly/azbb-sweet-contemporary-romance When you’re done, comment to let me know you’ve entered! Hope you’ll come out to play with me now through June 5! Hugs galore!

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  • Sunday Snippet: The May Memos Edition

    I do have fun with memos, especially when they are good news, so here goes! Dear Readers, ARCs for Make It Real, book 2 of the Walkers of River’s Edge series are now available on BookSprout! Click this BookSprout link to nab an e-book ARC to read and review! Merci, et bisous toujours, Moi ~*~*~*~ Dearest Office Garden, Oh, how you are growing and looking so very lovely! It was delightful to come home to all this amazing color! Happy, Happy, Nan ~*~*~*~ Dear heart, Hey, I’m doing everything I’m supposed to do–taking the meds, exercising, eating right–so what’s with the breathlessness when I walked the hills at the lake?…

  • Author Spotlight: C’est Moi!

    We have winners! Congratulations to Cathy Shouse, Meg Napier, and Debra Pruss–you all get a a free e-book ARC of Make It Real. You’ll be hearing from my publisher! Thanks to all three of you and everyone who stopped by to chat! I love talking to my readers!  Every so often, I hop into the Author Spotlight to let you know about stuff happening with my own books. Today, we’re all about Make It Real--book 2 in The Walkers of River’s Edge series. Gotta tell you, I love. love Lee Hyat’s cover on this one! She’s captured Joe and Kara and the whole feel-good vibe of Make It Real. Joe…

  • Sunday Snippet: The There’s Another Mother’s Day Treat Edition

    Yup, there is indeed more Mother’s Day celebrations! My publisher, Tule Publishing sure loves to celebrate moms and I’m so glad they do. I’m a mom, I had a great mom, Son married a woman who is a terrific mom to my darling Grandboy. All in all, I’m in favor of moms. So happy Mother’s Day to all who are moms, have a mom, been a mom figure to anyone ever… in other words, women everywhere. So as a quick reminder,<– this Happy Mother’s Day boxed set, which happens to include book 4 in my Four Irish Brothers Winery series, The Baby Contract, is still available at a fantastic price.…

  • Author Spotlight: It’s Me! I’ve Got a New Release!

    It’s here! Release day for Make You Mine, book 1 in the Walkers of River’s Edge series. I’m so excited, I’m practically squeeing! This book is a little different for me because my heroine, Maddie Ross, is someone sorta out of my wheelhouse. She’s a tough, independent, career-driven woman who’s been fighting the glass ceiling. Not quite as soft a heroine as I usually write. She was a challenge, but one that I loved. Here’s the blurb. The book is available in both ebook and print, so please do nab it if it isn’t already on your Kindle. I’ll be all over the Web this week with interviews and reviews…

  • Sunday Snippet: Another Deep Breath Edition

    How did it get to be April 14 already? I mean, seriously, wasn’t it just Valentine’s Day and the ground was covered with a light blanket of snow and my gardens were still sleeping? Now everything is popping up, flowers are blooming, bushes and trees are leafing out. These are my gorgeous tulips that my sweet neighbor, Mary, gave me for my birthday in September. As you can see, my office garden is starting to wake up. Husband has already mowed twice, and y’all know he’s happiest on his mower. We’ve had torrential rain this week, so the lawn is lush and green and as soon as it dries out…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Writing from Other People’s Experiences Edition

    I’m writing book 3 in the Walkers of River’s Edge series–it’s Cam Walker’s story. He’s fallen in love with the new girl in town–a lovely young artist who also happens to be a widow. As a fiction writer, sometimes, my own life directs my storytelling, but honestly, most all of what I write comes from other people’s experiences, from absorbing narrative through films, books, music, and TV, and from listening. Okay, maybe eavesdropping in restaurants and airports and in groups of people, and from conversations I’ve been a part of and some that I’ve only been an observer in.  That’s all part of the discovery process–what happens before you start…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Introducing the Walker Family & a Giveaway Edition

    Winner!! Sue Farmer, your name was selected from the comments as the recipient of an e-book copy of Home to River’s Edge and a $5 gift Amazon gift card! I’m sending you an email! Wow–I can’t believe January is nearly half over, can you? Or that it’s time to start promotion on the new River’s Edge series The Walkers of River’s Edge. Y’all know the Walkers, they’ve been around in other stories, including Home to River’s Edge. Jazz Weaver fell in love with Eli Walker, and at the end of Christmas in River’s Edge, Jenny and Gabe attended Jazz and Eli’s wedding on New Year’s Day. The other Walkers have…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Going Dark Edition

    Oh, mes amies, I’ve had such fun this past week with the launch of Christmas in River’s Edge, book 3 in the Weaver Sisters trilogy–more stories from River’s Edge. I love my little town so much and I’m just thrilled readers love it there, too! Reviews are coming in and so many folks want to come to River’s Edge for the holidays. Oh, how I wish we all could do the Candlelight Walk together and head to the showboat for the Flaherty’s annual Christmas Eve pitch-in lunch and holiday show! Alas… only in books. And speaking of books, I’m working furiously on book 2 in the newest River’s Edge series,…