Sunday Snippet: The Spring Fever Edition
Mushy mind—it’s a thing and wow, do I have it right now. I have a very bad case of mind mush—my ability to focus and function is seriously out of whack. I’m not sure if it’s spring fever or what, but fact is, I’m just not able to focus on much of anything right now. I think I’ve mentioned before, probably in the spring, that my grandmother used to say she was muzzy—isn’t that a great word? I’m muzzy.
I’ve got four books to write for Tule Publishing in the next two years and my heart frequently stops (not really!) at the thought. I’m about 15K words into Jack Walker’s book, Book 1 in the new Walker Family series, which is coming along and I know where it want it to go; Jack and Maddie and I just need to get there…by June 30. To that end, I’m back to my old standby of a writing method—getting up early in the morning and writing before Husband wakes up, before I check social media or email, before coffee even. That works and why I sometimes get away from it, I have no idea.
I have editing gigs to take care of—the retainer clients and the gigs that come in when I begin to worry that no gigs will come in. There’s book promotion and helping Husband with yard stuff, spring cleaning, and thinking about opening the cottage and getting the boat out of storage. The starting-our-summer-routine stuff. And in between it all–monthly appointments with my cardiologist. I hope we don’t get sick of seeing each other…
Neighbor and pal Mary and I took to the home and garden stores this past week and filled her car with flowers and plants. Then spent the rest of that day planting. My yard is looking pretty spiffy and colorful and I love looking out my office window and seeing the gorgeous flowers.
But still, today, I’m muzzy.
This isn’t aging, right? I mean sometimes life stuff gets in the way of writing stuff and writing stuff gets in the way of life stuff, but this isn’t aging. No… I’m just muzzy right now, that’s all.
Gratitude for this week: Flowers! Got to the pool–loving the new class. Wrote some words. Evenings are getting warm enough to sit on the deck with Husband and sip some wine. Flowers, again because I love them so much!
Stay well, stay safe, spread a little joy, and most of all, mes amies, stay grateful,
Kimberly Field
I think we should be using Muzzy as our word!
Oh, let’s do Kimberly!
Latesha B.
Your flowers are lovely and I hope you have fewer muzzy days and more productive days.
Thanks, Latesha! I hope so too!
I like that term “muzzy”. It’s fitting for how I get a lot of times too.
Doris Lankford
Muzzy sounds like how I feel this morning. Too much to do and no energy to do anything. Enjoy your flowers.
Yup, I feel ya, Doris! Thanks, I am enjoying them!
It’s a good word–let’s add it to our lexicon, shall we? 😉
Liz Flaherty
Not aging, just spring. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Your flowers look beautiful.
I like your story–I believe I’ll join you in it! Hugs!