• Sunday Snippet: The Am I Irrelevant Edition

    So, I’m thinking today about how much of the world I am not a part of anymore–specifically, pop culture. Liz and I talk frequently about how we are aging out of many things. She wonders if she’s aging out of romance novels–reading and writing them. I sometimes wonder if I’m aging out of being able to keep my plate as full as I do with editing gigs and writing deadlines and book promotion because stuff falls off sometimes, and more often than I like, it’s fun stuff like time with family and friends. Every now and again, I watch younger writers who go after their lives with fervor and energy…

  • Sunday Snippet: The I Did It Edition

    I did indeed do it–the book signing at Whyte Horse Winery and wow, was it a blast! Right off, there isn’t a more welcoming venue than this winery. The owner, Amanda Thomas, is so very accommodating and welcoming–just ready to help you in any way she can. Plus her winery and bistro has some of the best food and wine around. The folks who come there are looking for fun, so to be part of that is a treat. Lots of laughter, lots of conversations, lots of noise, and lots good wine and of wonderful scents from the pizza oven! We had a great day, both selling books and talking…

  • Author Spotlight: Liz Flaherty

    It’s always fun when my bestie joins me on the blog and even better when she’s in the Spotlight. Today, she’s here with her new release, Life’s Too Short for White Walls and giveaway! Be sure to check out the Rafflecopter down below! Besides hanging out with me, Liz spends non-writing time sewing, quilting, and thinking she should clear a path through the fabric stash that furnishes her office. Liz is rather bewildered by where she’s at in life. She doesn’t feel…er…elderly, but the truth is that she is. The Magnificent Seven grands have grown up on her, her own kids are all now older than she is, and her…

  • Sunday Snippet: The QOTD and a Snippet Edition

    Yeah, again, I’ve got nothing. Writer bestie Liz says when you have nothing, make a list. I thought about a list, but then I remembered that I have a list–“A Year of Journal Prompts.” Why wouldn’t that work for a blog, too? So I dug it out and found the one for March 27. “Pick a movie character you identify with.” Really? Argh! I was going to skip that, but then I thought–you know, this could be a good exercise. A movie character I identify with… the one I truly identify with, not the one I’d like to be. I think my answer would have to be Jo March in…

  • Sunday Snippet: The I’m Ready for Spring Edition

    I am. Aren’t you? We had a whisper of spring this past week–a couple of days in the sixties–and oh, man, it was lovely. I walked in the ‘hood with neighbor, Mary, checked out the green that is peeking up from my garden beds, and just stood in the driveway and inhaled the scent of spring. That said, I’m writing this Sunday post on Saturday morning and it’s currently 13 degrees out. So cold, there isn’t even frost on the ground. Welcome to the Midwest, where the only real weather guarantee is that there will be some. I’m not whining, though, because I love living in the Midwest, where we…

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  • Author Spotlight: Liz Flaherty

    I confess I love having my bestie in the spotlight. We always support each other, and her new book is such a great read, I really wanted to tell y’all about it. But I figured why should I do that when she’s perfectly capable of telling you herself? Just a quick bio in case you don’t already know Liz Flaherty. She spends non-writing time sewing, quilting, and thinking she should clear a path through the fabric stash that furnishes her office. She also loves to travel and spend time with the grandkids (the Magnificent Seven) and their parents. She and Duane, her husband of a really long time, live in…

  • Sunday Snippet: The I Might Need a Vacation Edition

    It’s been a crazy month so far. With the release of THE VALENTINE WAGER on February 1 came a flurry of promotion, blog appearances, giveaways, interviews, and book signings (one canceled due to weather, the other, a great success!). In the midst of all this, I’m still working on editing gigs for clients and doing revisions on the first Weaver Sisters book. My mind is a bit on overload and my brain is…well…tired. I was thinking last night how much I’d love to go to that cabin in the mountains of North Carolina where the Word Wranglers had their retreat last August. How I’d love to rent it for a…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Gearing-Up Edition

    Book Release Day! It’s getting close and yet, there is a sense of unreality about my upcoming book release. It’s been over a year since my last release and I’d forgotten how much work there is. So many people to contact, promotional materials to send out, getting ready for book signings, which means boxing up enough print titles for each signing. (I still have to do that.) Writing blogs, getting prize packages ready for giveaways, ordering swag, and contacting other bloggers to see if they’ll give me a moment or two. My publisher, Tule Publishing, does way more than most to help their authors promote and I’m so very grateful…

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  • Author Spotlight: Liz Flaherty Has a New Spring Release!

    I love having my bestie on the blog, especially when I get to crow about her latest book! She’s got a new one coming out in April, but you can get a sneak peek if you… oh heck, I’ll let her tell you all about it! No matter how many books into being a writer you are, every new release is nearly as thrilling as the first one. Not every cover—oh, heavens, no—and, for traditional authors, not every publisher or contract, but every story. It’s interesting to me that once a book is published, it’s not all that much mine anymore. One reason I’m often meh about people covers is…

  • Sunday Snippet: The I’m Going on Retreat Edition

    Yup, I am going on retreat and I’m so excited, I could jump out of my skin! Liz and I are headed to a little hotel in the southern part of the state, where we will probably pretty much be the only guests. There’s a lovely restaurant downstairs and the little tourist town we’ll be in is pretty much closed up for winter. We will write and process and brainstorm and talk. There will be wine and chocolate and cheese and crackers and coffee because that’s how Liz and I roll, but mostly we’ll be writing. She is a little past midway in her current book, and I hope to…