Liz Flaherty,  Memories,  Musings,  This Life...,  Writer's moments

Sunday Snippet: The I Might Need a Vacation Edition

It’s been a crazy month so far. With the release of THE VALENTINE WAGER on February 1 came a flurry of promotion, blog appearances, giveaways, interviews, and book signings (one canceled due to weather, the other, a great success!). In the midst of all this, I’m still working on editing gigs for clients and doing revisions on the first Weaver Sisters book. My mind is a bit on overload and my brain is…well…tired.

I was thinking last night how much I’d love to go to that cabin in the mountains of North Carolina where the Word Wranglers had their retreat last August. How I’d love to rent it for a week all by myself, just reading and writing and looking out at the view. Or maybe find a place up on Lake Michigan where I could simply be alone for a few days. Just me, a few books, my laptop, and my journal and walks along the beach. That sounds like heaven.

I think I would like that, but I imagine by day 3, I’d miss the company of Husband or Liz. I’d miss talking to someone else, and would be checking Facebook and Twitter and Instagram. I’m connected and I’m not unhappy about that, but I do need about 48 hours totally alone. See how fast I went from a week to 48 hours? Hmmmm… what would a whole week alone be like?

I’ve actually taken trips alone before and as I recall, it was quite lovely to be in my own company, but it’s been a while since I tried it. I went to Michigan alone and stayed in B&Bs and walked the beach and wandered the little tourist town and ate by myself in restaurants, being sure to have a book with me. I wrote and swam and explored lighthouses and orchards and little shops. I had some good wine and wrote a lot and read a lot. It was actually pretty nice, but by the time I needed to go home, I was ready.

Have you ever gone away all by yourself? How was it? Where did you go? What did you do?

Stay well, stay safe, still wear your mask in public, be kind, and most of all, mes amies, stay grateful!


  • Liz Flaherty

    I have traveled by myself–long driving trips, flying alone, spending time in hotels alone–but it’s always been an in-transit thing to spend time with other people or to be somewhere I was needed. While I cherish alone time, I’m not sure I’d want several days of it. I hope you get the chance to take a trip, though–I know you’ve enjoyed the others.

    • Nan

      It’s been so long since I had a trip alone, I’m not sure how I’d be. I love our trips so much that traveling without you might not work now. <>