• Author Spotlight: Me Again with News and a Giveaway

    Cathy Shouse and Latesha, you are my winners! I’ll get an e-book copy of Falling for the Doctor to both of you! I don’t have my usual guest today. I think everyone is recovering from the holidays and trying to get started on 2023, just as I am. But I got some good news from my amazing publisher, Tule Publishing. Some pre-order links for Home to River’s Edge are up! I’m so very excited about this new series–The Weaver Sisters. They’ve have been rambling around in my head since I wrote Max Lange’s story, and they keep whispering, “Tell our stories, please!” So I did and I am (Books 1 and…

  • Sunday Snippet: The I Shall NOT be THAT Old Lady Edition

    I fear 2023 may turn out to be the year of Nan questioning everything that happens–not complaining, mind you, just wondering why and trying not to chalk all manner of body issues up to, let’s say it together now–Nan’s fat ass.  This week has been truly awful, my friends, because I’ve had an abscessed molar that caused me incredible pain–worst pain ever, and I’ve had arthritis for years, a broken foot, and a baby without any anesthetic.  People say mouth pain is the worst and they are not lying about that. I finally saw an endodontist on Thursday who said the tooth was too angry to work on that day,…

  • Sunday Snippet: The How Is It Possibly 2023? Edition

    Good morning! I actually know the answer to this one–days pass, time goes on, life continues whether we are prepared for it to do that or not. I’m not going to set intentions or goals or resolutions or even find a word for the year. Neither am I going to reflect back on 2022. Y’all were there. No need to rehash what turned out to be a difficult year for me. I am, however going to name the things for which I am thankful from 2022 because gratitude is key to everything else in life. If we aren’t grateful for what we  have– the ups and the downs–how can we…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Sounds of Christmas Edition

    Wow… last week’s snippet garnered way more attention than I ever expected. I’m so grateful for all the wonderful light and love and words of support as I begin this journey with my crazy old heart. I promise updates, but we’re not going to focus on that here so much. This month I’ve asked the authors in the spotlight to focus on a special Christmas memory or something they love about the holiday season. So far, it’s been a treat to read their holiday stories, so I thought today on the Snippet, I’d share some of my favorite holiday memories. Despite struggling financially, my mom always made the holidays a…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Oh, My Heart Edition

    I have always determined to be very honest here, but at the same time, try not to give y’all TMI. This may fall under that heading, but I gave you part of this story earlier, and I feel I owe you the rest, such as it is. Remember a couple of weeks ago when I said that if the cardiologist told me my heart issues are because I’m fat and post-menopausal, I was going to kick him? His shins were saved because that’s not even close to what his diagnosis was. I sorta wish now that it had been–it would be beat the actual facts all to hell and back.…

  • Sunday Snippet: The “I Can’t Remember” Edition

    Had lunch with Liz yesterday and it wasn’t long enough, but we both needed to get going, so we parted ways reluctantly. On the way to the cottage, I thought of something else I wanted to talk to her about, and I nearly called her from the car, but I didn’t because we both needed to focus on driving. I still can’t remember what it was I wanted to tell her… and that seems to be a theme in our lives. “I can’t remember… ” There are so many of those moments anymore. I can’t remember why I came back to the guest room closet… so I leave, get halfway…

  • Sunday Snippet

    Well, it’s Sunday again… how did that happen?  It’s been a very quiet Thanksgiving weekend with a lovely dinner at sister Pam’s house and otherwise just hanging out here at home, working and writing. Yesterday, we got our holiday decorations down from the attic–is it me or do the boxes seem to multiply up there in the heat over the summer? Husband and I broke into them and got all our outside lights and decorations put up since it was quite a nice day. They turned out pretty nice, don’t you think? There’s a lot going on promotion wise for The Fireman’s Christmas Wish. Right off, we’ve got a terrific…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Heartfelt Edition

    Okay, as you know from my post a couple of weeks ago, I’m dealing with heart issues again–seems like when I very first started this blog way back when, I was having stupid heart issues. Yup, I’ve been dealing with this since December 2011. So, I’m back on a 7-day heart monitor (those puppies have changed a lot in 11 years) and on Tuesday, I have an echocardiogram, which will tell the cardiologist why I’m breathless and tired just walking around the block or going up a flight of stairs. I’m really, really hoping he doesn’t tell me it’s because I’m fat and post-menopausal because if that’s his diagnosis, I’m…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Snowy, Yup, It’s a Snippet Edition

    Hiya, happy Sunday. Well, okay, it’s actually Saturday morning and it’s snowing here in the city (probably up at the lake cottage, too, from the look of the radar), and we are snug in our little brick house enjoying this view. I love snow, particularly the first snow of the season. It makes me want hot chocolate and a fire in the fireplace, a soft snuggly sweater and a good book. And speaking of good books… See what I did there? It’s called a transition or a segue. It’s an author trick to lead readers to the next part of the story. That one wasn’t very subtle, but it’s fun…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Other-Worldly Edition

    So the scene is this: I’m writing this on Saturday mid-morning at the breakfast table, and I’m gazing out the windows that look out on the leaf-covered back yard. After several warm and sunny days–unusual for the first of November in my part of the world–we have dreary gray skies and rain. I should go walk on the treadmill, but instead, I’m having a second cup of coffee. Besides, going back to the treadmill means that I’d actually have to rise from my chair and I’m disinclined. I’ve been a weird state of mind since Liz and I got back from writing retreat, and I’m not sure why. I think…