Sunday Snippet: The How Is It Possibly 2023? Edition
Good morning! I actually know the answer to this one–days pass, time goes on, life continues whether we are prepared for it to do that or not.
I’m not going to set intentions or goals or resolutions or even find a word for the year. Neither am I going to reflect back on 2022. Y’all were there. No need to rehash what turned out to be a difficult year for me. I am, however going to name the things for which I am thankful from 2022 because gratitude is key to everything else in life. If we aren’t grateful for what we have– the ups and the downs–how can we ever know true joy?
- Husband–my rock, my love, my partner, my support
- Son–the light of my life
- Grandboy–the other light of my life
- DIL–another light, whose unbounding love for Son and Grandboy make me so grateful for her in my life
- Sister and Brother–the only ones who know my whole history and love me unconditionally
- Other family members
- Friends–too many to risk missing one in a list, but you know who you are and how I cherish you
- Liz–my bestie writing buddy upon whom I depend
- Writing–“Everything in my life is filtered through my writing. There is no me without it.”
- Tule Publishing–best place for this author and editor, I’m so grateful for this organization in my life
- Medical science–for so many reasons this year particularly
- Lake life
- The ‘hood
- My church and the pastors and supportive fellow congregants
- My gardens–how their beauty makes me smile
- Technology–without it, life would be harder
The list could go on, but you get my drift, right? Try making a 2022 gratitude list today and then begin 2023 in a spirit of true thankfulness for all the many blessing in your life. It will always center you, bring you back from any dark or worrisome places, to remember all that you have is most likely all that you need.
Happy new year, mes amies, and may 2023 bring you joy, peace, and whatever else your heart desires.
Roseann McGrath Brooks
Happy new year! Being thankful always reminds me that there’s a lot more good in my life than the bad stuff I tend to whine about!
Happy New Year, Roseann. Yup, gratitude is the best way to deal with bad days. Hugs!
Christina Salem
Same to you and your family Nan! What a great message. I will have to try and do my list today.
All the best in 2023!
Christina, Happy New Year! I hope you’ll find lots to be grateful for, my friend!
Happy New Year. I am doing a gratitude list of 5 things a day. I know some days will be harder than others, but that is ok. I have always been a glass is half full, and I need to remember that and I think this will help.
Kimberly, thanks for stopping by and Happy New Year to you! Yes, the positive attitude helps the gratitude. Keep on, baby!
Liz Flaherty
You’re one of my gratitudes, too. I love that picture of you. On to ’23!
We are good together, aren’t we? Hugs to you and yes, onward…2023 better watch out! Two Blondes are coming!
Barbara Hjermstad
Thank you for sharing! Grateful for you especially! Would love to connect. I have so many questions!
Happy New Year!
Love to you and your family, Barbie
Hey Coz! Happy New Year! I’d be delighted to connect–I’m very curious about your questions! Feel free to text or call me, Susie has my number! Love back at you and yours, sweetie!