Sunday Snippet: The Words Sometimes Come Hard Edition
I’m in a weird place with this new work-in-progress. I like the story, I like the characters, but somehow I’m having a problem getting them to move along. I have more notes about this first story in my new series than I did starting out any other River’s Edge series, mostly because a lot of this story happens away from River’s Edge. But I also have more word notes, more conversation notes, more scene notes than any book I’ve ever written. It’s almost as if I’m writing the book in my notes, but when I get to the computer, the words are coming hard.
Funny thing is, I know this story. I know these characters. I’ve got goal, motivation, and conflict–it’s all there. Beth and Del have a story together. I’m wondering if I’m just in mid-book slump where when we tell someone what the story is about, we get through setup with enthusiasm, then we flounder with “and then some stuff happens … and they live happily-ever-after.”
I’m in the “…and then some stuff happens…” phase. Thank heaven that writing retreat with Liz is coming up this week. I desperately need the time away from the rest of my life to focus entirely on writing. And we will write because we always do. Sometimes the words are great words, sometimes they’re meh, and once in a while, they suck, but we write on retreat. I’m setting a goal of 10K words.
I’m not sure at all how people who put out ten or fifteen books a year do it. My publisher graciously gives me roughly three to four months to write approximately sixty thousand words, and I use every moment of that time. Bear in mind, of course, that I don’t spend every working moment writing my own books. I also have a full-time job as a freelance copy editor—you know the day job—so I also spend time each day on editing gigs. Plus I do pro bono work for an arts organization, and I maintain this website, blog weekly, promote other authors, and produce a column once a month for another, so there are always words—either fixing other people’s or producing my own.
But here’s the thing that every writer knows: You can’t edit a blank page. So I’ve been writing and my words this week have been mostly good ones. That’s a terrific feeling in case you’re wondering, because if you think that when I get up early every morning to write, words naturally come… well, they don’t always. I simply need to get a first draft done, stop tweaking along the way, and write the damn book. My editor and I can work out the rough edges when the story is finally written.
I haven’t offered you a snippet lately, so here are the opening few lines of this new book Hope you’re intrigued…
Once upon a time…
Beth Dykeman closed her eyes, rested her head against the straight back of the airplane seat, and drifted back twenty years.
Once upon a time there was a man and a woman and a beautiful summer wedding…
A tear squeezed out from under her closed lids and rolled down her cheek. She swallowed a pained sigh and tried to banish the memory, but the picture remained.
Once upon a time, there was a man and a woman who stood in an orchard and promised to love each other forever…
Gratitude for this week: Snow! Husband got to play with his snow blower, writing words this week, my ear is better, new keyboard, mouse, and speakers for my computer setup are working great (thank you, dear Son!)!
Stay well, stay safe (vaccines and masks work), send light and love to LA, and most of all, mes amis, stay grateful,
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Glenda M
Glad your ear is better! Enjoy your writing retreat. Hopefully the words come easily!
Latesha B.
Glad your ear is better, Nan. Happy writing this week.
Doris Lankford
I love what you shared with us. Take a deep breath and the rest will come when it’s supposed to. Have a great retreat with Liz.
Thank you, Doris! I’m grateful you are kind about my musing… it helps! Hugs, sweets!
Roseann McGrath Brooks
“And then some stuff happens” is the hardest part … Have a great writing retreat!
Yup, Liz and I were just talking about how hard it is. Hugs, Roseann, thanks for stopping by!
DeeAnn Kraft
Happy Sunday Nan.
Thanks, DeeAnn, back at you! <3