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Sunday Snippet: The Confluence Edition

Confluence: noun; a coming or flowing together, meeting, or gathering at one point

I am at the confluence of finishing a book, starting a new book, and promoting a new release. It’s a weird place to be, particularly when I’d rather be somewhere quiet where all I have to do for a whole week is read for pleasure, take long walks along a lovely lake, and simply breathe. I think I might need a vacation…

That said, what a wonderful feeling to be able to type “The End” at the finish line of a long arduous writing experience. Aren’t they all? Some more than others. This one wasn’t quite as arduous as others have been–that story flowed easier, which gives me pause because now I’m worrying about what my editor will say. But the thing is, I have another novel done—really, truly done! Well, at least a first draft. That rush never diminishes. It’s there with each book, every time I type, THE END. Most times, it’s combined with stomach-knotting nervousness about sending it on to my editor and wondering what revisions will be needed. I do them, I always do them because she is the guru of development editing and nearly 100% of the time, her advice and edits are spot on.

The promotion part of the confluence is for Book 2 in the Walkers of River’s Edge series, Make It Real, Joe and Kara’s story. It was a treat to write the gardens and landscaping scenes as well as the banter between the two main characters and between the brothers and sister–Joe, Cam, and Annabelle. Make It Real releases on Tuesday, August 6, so if you haven’t pre-ordered, you can. Just click the link on the title that I’ve conveniently put in this paragraph twice. The best part about reading the River’s Edge books is that you can start anywhere–each book stands alone. However, I do hope that wherever you start, the first book you read will whet your appetite for more stories from River’s Edge. That’s the end of my ad for Make It Real. Whoops, three times…

This week, my focus will be beginning the new series. I’ve been excited to start the Dykemans’ series because Beth and Del’s story has been bouncing around in my head like a tennis ball since I first discussed the idea with my editor several months ago. It will be a step outside of my usual River’s Edge fare, although it is a River’s Edge story–just a little different, that’s all. It will come together, Beth and Del are starting to speak to me and their story is developing, so all is well. They other Dykeman siblings are chattering in my head as well, but they are going to have to wait their turn. This first book is too special and important for me to get distracted with other stories.

Even as I’ve got ideas simmering for the next series that I’m contracted to do with Tule, I’ve also got this day job that takes up an incredible amount of my time. I love editing, I love my freelance life, but it’s not always so “free.” Deadlines beckon and paychecks don’t come in until after the work is completed—sometimes as much as 45 to 60 days after the work is done and invoiced. Freelancers have to be wonderful money managers, and we’ve all been known to whine about slow-paying clients. That old “gotta make a living” gets in the way of creative energy.

That’s a theme in the Simple Abundance path  so far—not letting life block our creative urges. I think I mentioned that I’m doing Sarah Ban Breathnach’s daybook again this year. I go through it every couple of years because it brings me peace and joy. Sarah speaks often of allowing our creative energy to flow, of being receptive to inspiration, of believing our yearnings are blessings. Finishing this book brought all those feelings to the surface. It’s done and it’s good. What a rush!

Gratitude for this Week: I wrote THE END; Cottage power is working again; great time with pal and fellow Tule author, Carol Light–so good to spend some time with her; swam in the lake with Mo; the sugar urge is diminished. 

Stay well, hold your face to the sun for a few minutes each day, be kind always, and most of all, mes amis, stay grateful!


  • Kathleen Shaputis

    What a great word – and love that you have successfully reached the end of the first draft. Such labors of love! Exhausting but oh, so fulfilling.

  • Liz Flaherty

    Congratulations on yet another successful confluence. I love that word, which I don’t think I’ve ever used…and now I need to!