Sunday Snippet
It’s been a crazy week… I’ve actually written quite a bit, but I also worked on three other editing gigs and did two days of virtual school with Grandboy. I’m in the home stretch with my newest WIP and getting perilously close to my deadline, but the last scenes are coming harder for some reason. No idea why.
Virtual school with Grandboy usually goes pretty well–he’s willing and that’s the bulk of the battle right there. But some days are better than others and this week, he wasn’t feeling it. We forget, as adults, that kids have “off” days, too. Days when their focus isn’t going to come around or they just flat don’t want to do it. On Thursday, Grandboy was having an “off” day, and although he did get all his work done, it was…painful. We read a lot together and snuggled and laughed in between the painful stuff, so it was all okay. Best of all, we discovered a new series of chapter books for him. The Steam Punk Pirates by Gareth P. Jones–4 books in the series and Grandboy fell in love with the one we read, which happened to be the second in the series, I think. They are cute and fun stories about robot pirates.
I’m about 6-7K words from writing The End on this new book, trying to find a fitting title to float to the editorial team at Tule, thinking about the blurb and the tag line… mostly though thinking about the HEA at the end. As I’ve said before, this one is different and I’m still learning these characters, who have a real tendency to take off on their own and leave me in the dust.
Pastor Diane talked about Blessings today–being one and passing it on. Today, instead of a gratitude list, let me ask you a question: How can I ask God to bless you today?
Stay safe, stay well, and most of all, stay grateful!