Retreat Report

We’re here and it’s been a good first day. Liz has gotten some writing done, I’ve gotten some other stuff done that needed doing, but I’m brewing the opening of Beck’s book, so I imagine I’ll start writing tomorrow. Our drive down was leisurely and fun. We stopped at charming little Stream Cliff Farm in Commiskey for an outdoor lunch and to buy some wine. I also got a gift for Husband because I love him and it was too sweet to pass up. Don’t tell him, though, it’s a surprise. Everyone had on their masks, which was nice.
Our little cottage is adorable and we love it! It’s just a couple of blocks to Main Street and only four blocks down to the river walk, which we will do tomorrow after we write in the morning. We seem to do well, writing early, playing a bit, then coming back to write more in the afternoon and maybe even after supper if the words are flowing.
We are both reveling in the respite from the last eighteen months of dreariness that this retreat is providing already. Our souls are singing and we are so full of the joy of just being together again and writing and talking and laughing together after so many months of being apart. I just read that last bit to Liz, who responded, “You are full something else, too…” Yeah, we’re back together again… <eye roll>
We’ll be here tomorrow night! Stay well, stay safe!
Nan & Liz