• Author Spotlight: Welcome Back, Anne McAllister

    I’m very pleased to welcome fellow Tule author Anne McAllister back to the spotlight–her books always charm me and they will you, too! Years ago someone told Anne McAllister that the recipe for happiness was a good man, a big old house, a bunch of kids and dogs, and a job you loved that allows you to read.  And write.  She totally agrees. Now, one good man, one big old house (since traded for a slightly smaller house. Look, no attic!) a bunch of kids (and even more grandkids) and dogs (and one bionic cat) and seventy books, she’s still reading.  And writing.  And happier than ever. Over thirty plus…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Just 15K More Edition (& There’s a Snippet!)

    That’s 15K more words until Kara and Joey’s story is done and I can do the necessary stuff to get it ready to go to my editor. I’ve been a writing machine the past week, getting up every morning to get at least a thousand words in with a great group of sprinters led by Bryn Donovan, writer, editor, and all around, great person. I’m at the dark moment–which in my books is rarely dark-dark, mostly just a little on the gray side, and frequently, it’s not a conflict between the two MCs, as much as it is an issue for one of them that he/she must solve in order…

  • Author Spotlight: Kris Bock is Back with a New Romance and Fun Recipes!

    Welcome back to Kris Bock, who’s here today with her Accidental Billionaire Cowboy, widowed Texas rancher Ava Tomlinson. Plus, get recipes for two fun holiday party treats! I love that this book features a seasoned heroine! It’s always great fun to have Kris her in the Author Spotlight! In the Accidental Billionaire Cowboys series, a Texas ranching family wins a billion-dollar lottery. They’re advised to go into hiding, but they have animals needing care. They’ll have to stay and fend off envious friends, scammers, and fortune hunters. Can they build new dreams and find love amidst the chaos? Readers say: “I was hooked from the start. This book series just keeps…

  • Sunday Snippet: The I’m Writing Edition

    Yup, mes amies. I’m writing like a crazy woman, but taking breaks to stand up and walk around and eat now and again. My brain is mush, so I got nothin’ for today, so here are so gorgeous pictures of River’s Edge. Y’all know that my little fictional town is based on Madison, Indiana, and Brenda Guess Shropshire is an amazing photographer who captures the most spectacular photos of that river town. Take a look and enjoy! I’ll be back next week with a special guest on Tuesday and an Author Spotlight on Wednesday. Hope to see then! Gratitude for today: The tooth is extracted and and I’ve gone from…

  • Author Spotlight: Sarah Vance-Tompkins Is Here with Holiday Fun!

    We have a winner! Marie-Claude Arnott, your name was selected at random to receive Sarah’s giveaway prize of a $10 gift card. Marie-Claude, Sarah will be in touch with you! Thanks to everyone who stopped by–we do love talking to our readers!  I’m so excited to have Sarah Vance-Tompkins with me today. We met at the Tule Author Retreat in July and she just utterly charmed me–an immediate kindred spirit. Not only was she fun and lovely, but she’s from my favorite state in the union–Michigan! Sarah Vance-Tompkins was born in a small town in northern Michigan. She received an MFA in Film Production from the University of Southern California,…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Going Dark Edition

    Oh, mes amies, I’ve had such fun this past week with the launch of Christmas in River’s Edge, book 3 in the Weaver Sisters trilogy–more stories from River’s Edge. I love my little town so much and I’m just thrilled readers love it there, too! Reviews are coming in and so many folks want to come to River’s Edge for the holidays. Oh, how I wish we all could do the Candlelight Walk together and head to the showboat for the Flaherty’s annual Christmas Eve pitch-in lunch and holiday show! Alas… only in books. And speaking of books, I’m working furiously on book 2 in the newest River’s Edge series,…

  • Monday Funday: The Release Day Edition

    We have a winner, mes amis! Congratulations, Carol Alscheff! You are the winner of the holiday box of goodies! I’ll be in touch with you for a mailing address!  Thanks to everyone who stopped by and commented–y’all made release day a very happy one!  Oh, mes amis! We are floating on air today as Christmas In River’s Edge, Book 3 in the Weaver Sisters trilogy launched this morning. If you pre-ordered, it’s on your e-reader–have fun! I’m a little late getting here because I spent the morning doing my Medicare Wellness check–I am, well, that is. Very well actually. My primary care doc was overjoyed at the rise in my…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Closed Until Tomorrow, so a Real Snippet Edition

    Yup…all is well, but book release is tomorrow, so there will be doings here tomorrow–book news, a nifty giveaway, fun, and games. Today, I give you a quick snippet from Christmas in River’s Edge. Tomorrow, we celebrate! Snippet Setup: Jenny and Gabe are reaching toward one another, but neither is sure what the relationship can or should be. After a long phone call, he invites her out to visit an archeological dig that a university friend of his is doing. Now, she’s getting ready for bed and imagining what the two of them might be: “Sounds great. I’ll pick you up. Dress warm, wear boots,” Gabe instructed, a smile in…

  • Author Spotlight: Debra Salonen Has Books and a Giveaway!

    We have a winner! Congratulations to Glenda Martillotti! You are Deb’s giveaway winner! Deb will be in touch with you! Thanks to everyone who stopped by–we love talking to and getting to know our readers! I love turning the blog over to my favorite authors and today, it belongs to my buddy and fellow Tule author, Debra Salonen! Former award-winning newspaper journalist Debra Salonen is a nationally bestselling author with 26 published novels for Harlequin’s Superromance and American lines and one single title release for Harlequin Signature. Several of her titles were nominated for “Best Superromance,” including UNTIL HE MET RACHEL, which took home that honor in 2010. Debra was…

  • Author Spotlight: Elsa Winckler Is All About the Holidays!

    We have a winner! Judith Flynn, you will receive an e-book copy of Elsa’s A Match Made in Montana. Elsa will be in touch! I do love welcoming my fellow Tule authors to the blog, so today is a treat because Elsa Winckler is with me. Elsa has been reading love stories for as long as she can remember and when she ‘met’ the classic authors like Jane Austen, Elizabeth Gaskell, Henry James, the Brontë sisters, etc. during her Honors studies, she was hooked for life. Although her three gown-up children rarely acknowledge the fact they have a romance-writing mom, her husband fortunately, is very proud of her, reads every…