• Sunday Snippet: The Photo Dump Edition

    It’s been a week, mes amis. Book release on Tuesday, promotion, promotion, promotion… and I capped off the week with a book signing at a local author event. In between the bookish stuff, I’ve been working on two editing gigs and helping with spring yard work. My brain and my body are pretty fried. I need a day of doing nothing and doing it well. That day might be today. The sun is shining, temps in the mid-fifties are predicted, but the no wind, which means a walk with pal Mary will be in order for sure, and maybe Husband and I will take a drive out to see blossoming…

  • Author Spotlight: It’s Me! I’ve Got a New Release!

    It’s here! Release day for Make You Mine, book 1 in the Walkers of River’s Edge series. I’m so excited, I’m practically squeeing! This book is a little different for me because my heroine, Maddie Ross, is someone sorta out of my wheelhouse. She’s a tough, independent, career-driven woman who’s been fighting the glass ceiling. Not quite as soft a heroine as I usually write. She was a challenge, but one that I loved. Here’s the blurb. The book is available in both ebook and print, so please do nab it if it isn’t already on your Kindle. I’ll be all over the Web this week with interviews and reviews…

  • Sunday Snippet: Another Deep Breath Edition

    How did it get to be April 14 already? I mean, seriously, wasn’t it just Valentine’s Day and the ground was covered with a light blanket of snow and my gardens were still sleeping? Now everything is popping up, flowers are blooming, bushes and trees are leafing out. These are my gorgeous tulips that my sweet neighbor, Mary, gave me for my birthday in September. As you can see, my office garden is starting to wake up. Husband has already mowed twice, and y’all know he’s happiest on his mower. We’ve had torrential rain this week, so the lawn is lush and green and as soon as it dries out…

  • Author Spotlight: Stacey Agdern Has a New Book and a Fun Giveaway!

    We have a winner! Linda Calderone, you are Stacey’s giveaway recipient. Stacey will be in touch. Thanks to you and everyone for stopping by! We love talking to our readers! One of the very best things about being a part of Tule Publishing has been meeting all the other Tule authors. So many gifted writers! One of them is Stacey Agdern, whose novels are fun and flirty and just delightful! Stacey is an award-winning former bookseller who has reviewed romance novels in multiple formats and given talks about various aspects of the romance genre. She incorporates Jewish characters and traditions into her stories so that people who grew up like…

  • Big Doings! HEPL Local Author Fair!

    We’ve got a new category going here on the blog: Big Doings! And we’re starting with a really big happening! Hamilton East Public Library’s giant Local Author Fair.  I’m joining nearly 60 authors and literary organizations for Hamilton East Public Library’s #HEPLLocalAuthorFair2024. The event will have authors available to sign books, a chance to win prizes, and more! The event will be held on Saturday, April 20 from 1:00 – 4:00 PM at the FORUM Events Center, 11313 USA Pkwy, Fishers, Indiana. Can’t wait to see you there! Mark your calendars and save the date for April 20 at the FORUM Events Center in Fishers. I’m cooking up a treat…

  • Sunday Snippet: A “The End” Edition

    Yup…I’m there, well, sorta. I wrote THE END yesterday on Cam and Harper’s book, Made for Mistletoe, but I may still have another tiny scene to write, so that will be today’s mission. This book has been a journey. Christmas books always are. I love writing about Christmas in River’s Edge, but getting really creative and coming up with new holiday stories for my characters is sometimes harder than writing stories that happen at non-holiday times of the year. I confess I write my idea of the perfect Christmas in the River’s Edge books and it looks nothing at all like real Christmas in my life/family. Don’t get me wrong–the…

  • Sunday Snippet: The I’m Ready for Spring Edition

    Spring seems to be springing already and you know, we really haven’t had much of a winter here.  Oh, we’ve had few days of snow, but no real accumulation, and a few days of serious cold, but no long stretches of temperatures below freezing. That’s unusual but certainly not unheard of here in the middle of the United States. I remember lots of mild winters. These are crocuses discovered on one of my walks in the hood, aren’t they sweet? My tulips that neighbor Mary gifted me last fall are starting to peek up–they’re going to be yellow, she says, and I can’t wait to see them bloom! But I…

  • Author Spotlight: Dani Collins Has a New Release!

    Congratulations to Kathleen Shaputis!  You are Dani’s giveaway winner! Thanks to everyone who stopped by, we love talking to our readers.  Y’all know how much I love spotlighting my fellow Tule Publishing authors, right? Well, today, Dani Collins is with me and I couldn’t be more pleased to introduce you to her. She’s here with a brand new series and a fun giveaway. Award-winning and USA Today Bestselling author Dani Collins thrives on giving readers emotional, compelling, heart-soaring romance with laughter and heat thrown in, just like real life. While she is best known for writing contemporary romance for Harlequin Presents and Tule Publishing, she also writes historical and erotic…

  • Sunday Snippet: The I’m Pushing Edition

    Yup, I am. Working on first draft of book 3 in the Walkers of River’s Edge series, Made for Mistletoe, (deadline is in three weeks), and I’m nearly at The End. I’m hoping Cam and Harper’s story will touch hearts and bring special holiday joy for lovers of all things River’s Edge. I’m also working on promo for book 1 in the Walkers of River’s Edge series, Make You Mine, which releases April 16. All this in addition to my day job, copy editing. I’m really falling in love with Cam Walker–he’s just a big cinnamon roll (as are so many of my heroes). But Cam’s heart is so big…

  • Author Spotlight: Welcome Back, Leigh Ann Edwards!

    Leigh Ann’s winner is Kate Sparks! Congratulations Kate–Leigh Ann will be in touch with you. Thanks to everyone who stopped by! We do love talking to our readers! I’m delighted to welcome fellow Tule author, Leigh Ann Edwards, back to the Spotlight! She’s got a brand new series releasing–Witch and Demon Hunter and is it ever exciting! She also has a giveaway for you today, so be sure to check that out! Leigh Ann Edwards’ fascination with history, romance, magic, time-travel and Ireland sparked her interest in creating the Irish Witch Series and her expanding collection of published novels. Growing up in a Manitoban village on the Canadian prairies left…