• Sunday Snippet: The Learning Curve Edition

    You know, if you’d asked me, say 10 or even 5 years ago, if I still had tons of stuff to learn, I might have told you, “Nope, I’ve lived and loved a lot of years…I think I’m pretty well where I should be knowledge-wise.” And wouldn’t that have been arrogant and presumptuous of me? I discover, pretty much daily, that knowledge is a growing and expanding thing. When there is something I feel I’ve learned all I can about or more specifically, all I care to learn about, well, the Universe laughs. Case in point–book promotion. Something I sorta suck at and yet, I must do, so I’m learning…

  • Sunday Snippet: The I’m Ready for Spring Edition

    I am. Aren’t you? We had a whisper of spring this past week–a couple of days in the sixties–and oh, man, it was lovely. I walked in the ‘hood with neighbor, Mary, checked out the green that is peeking up from my garden beds, and just stood in the driveway and inhaled the scent of spring. That said, I’m writing this Sunday post on Saturday morning and it’s currently 13 degrees out. So cold, there isn’t even frost on the ground. Welcome to the Midwest, where the only real weather guarantee is that there will be some. I’m not whining, though, because I love living in the Midwest, where we…

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  • Sunday Snippet: The How About an Actual Snippet Edition

    I named this Sunday post “Sunday Snippet” because I really intended to do that–give you a snippet of a story every Sunday. Obviously, I got off track on that, and I’m not going to apologize because  too many snippets leaves no reason to buy the books. A snippet should be a quick sample…a taste, if you will. So you will continue to get tastes of my books, but you’re also going to get a lot of Nan because…well, because this is my blog and I get to choose what happens here. (I’m not really as bratty as that sounds, truly.) All that said, guess what! You get a snippet today!…

  • Sunday Snippet: The I’m Still in Promotion Edition

    Well, The Valentine Wager released two weeks ago and yeah, I’m still in full promotion mode. The book signing at Whyte Horse winery was canceled because we had snowstorm the day before and the whole state was in red-alert emergency mode and roads were pretty much impassable. We’re setting a new spring date for that one, so that’s all good. Watch for me in late April or early May there. I did end up signing at the Gal’s Guide Library in Noblesville yesterday and had an absolute blast. Right off, the folks at Gal’s Guide and Nickel Plate Arts are just delightful–so warm and welcoming. Thanks to Leah and Lisa…

  • Author Spotlight: It’s Moi!

    Yup, today, I’m in the spotlight because today is release day for The Valentine Wager, book 1 in the Lange Brothers series from yours truly and Tule Publishing. If you haven’t discovered River’s Edge, Indiana, yet, I invite you to meet all the fun and quirky citizens of this little town on the banks of Ohio River. You’ll fall in love with everyone! Start with the Flaherty Brothers, whose stories are told in The Four Irish Brothers Winery series, and then meet the Langes–three brothers who are all first responders in River’s Edge. If you want to start with The Valentine Wager, by all means, do! All the River’s Edge…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Get Ready for Shameless Self-Promotion Edition

    Yup, it’s that time. Book release week means y’all are gonna be inundated, bombarded, deluged, drenched… well, you get the picture. You’re gonna hear a lot about The Valentine Wager, which releases this Tuesday, February 1. I am over-the-moon excited and I hope you are, too. This is Book 1 in the Lange Brothers series–my three brothers who are all first responders in River’s Edge, Indiana. Yeah, we grow ’em brave, compassionate, and kinda sexy in the Hoosier state (and not just in my imagination!). If you pre-ordered, The Valentine Wager will be on your e-reader when you wake up Tuesday morning. If you haven’t, why not? Oh, sorry, I…

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  • Sunday Snippet: The I’m Going on Retreat Edition

    Yup, I am going on retreat and I’m so excited, I could jump out of my skin! Liz and I are headed to a little hotel in the southern part of the state, where we will probably pretty much be the only guests. There’s a lovely restaurant downstairs and the little tourist town we’ll be in is pretty much closed up for winter. We will write and process and brainstorm and talk. There will be wine and chocolate and cheese and crackers and coffee because that’s how Liz and I roll, but mostly we’ll be writing. She is a little past midway in her current book, and I hope to…

  • Sunday Snippet: The First Real Snippet for 2022 Edition

    It’s cold here–like really cold. Single digits cold. We went up to check on the lake cottage on Thursday and discovered that the pilot light on the furnace had blown out in the high winds they’d had on Tuesday and Wednesday. It was 23 degrees in the cottage and the antifreeze in the toilets had a skim of ice. Yikes! Husband relit the pilot and then we went to friend Moe’s (she’s a year-rounder) and stayed in her warm house until ours got up to a decent temperature. The cottage is totally winterized, so all is well, and the time away from my computer gave me the opportunity to sit…

  • Sunday Snippet: The New Year Edition

    It’s 2022. I’m celebrating, but very quietly. It’s almost as if I’m tiptoeing into the new year, holding my breath, not touching anything, and looking around for whatever is going to fall on our collective heads next. I hate that this is what I’ve become–a person who approaches everything with such caution, even a new year. But if the last two years have taught me anything at it, it’s to pay attention, to be careful, to know what’s happening in the world around me. There is a lot happening this year for me–I have three new books releasing in 2022 and I have two book signings that I hope can…

  • Sunday Snippet: The River’s Edge Map Edition

    I was so thrilled to get the darling map of River’s Edge, Indiana, my little fictional town on the Ohio River, that local artist Alyssa Overton created for me. This is the official unveiling, although you will find it in every e-book that takes place in River’s Edge from now on, as well in print editions of my River’s Edge stories starting with Falling for the Doctor, which releases in June 2022. So now, here you go. Thinking about breakfast at Mac’s Riverside Diner? Maybe a trip out to taste some wine at Four Irish Brothers Winery & Vineyard? How about a twilight walk along the River Walk or perhaps…