• Sunday Snippet: The Post Retreat Edition

    It’s funny–it always takes me about a day to regroup after Liz and I have been on retreat. Settling back into my office, using the PC instead of the laptop, doing laundry, etc. I pretty much dropped my stuff yesterday and spent the day with Husband, catching up in the way married people who’ve been apart for a few days do. But today, I’m back in my office, looking out at a frosty morning and debating where to start. Well, apparently, I decided because here I am writing my Sunday Snippet. The retreat was, as always, fun and productive and full of words and story processing and sharing ideas. Liz…

  • Sunday Snippet: The I’m Used Up Edition

    I’m not whining, I promise. But it’s been a pretty busy week and the weeks ahead look mighty full as well. I’m already longing for a writing retreat and we just got back from one a couple of weeks ago. Book release is wonderful and humbling and somehow the imposter syndrome kicks in, which I’m trying very hard to damp down. I am a good writer and I should own that and enjoy the flurry of book release praise and move on. The Fireman’s Christmas Wish is a good book–a well-told story and I love these two characters as much I’ve loved any I’ve written before or since. But I…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Grandboy Edition

    Grandboy days are always the best for Husband and me, and they’re fewer right now because he’s in school and he’s involved in things like being in plays and doing stuff with his parents and friends. Plus ,you’re never sure exactly how interested a ten-year-old boy is in being with a couple of old farts. But in his words, “I love being you guys. This house feels so comfortable.” I’m not sure there’s a higher compliment in the world than that. He was sad when we sold the “Christmas House,” thrilled when we lived with him and his parents for six months, and sad when we found our new home.…

  • Sunday Snippet: The It’s Been Quite a Ride Edition

    Wow… release week is nearly done–I have a few more things happening, but mostly, I can breathe again. Well, sorta. Work has piled up while I’ve in promotion and writing is a little behind, but I can reset my focus now, I think. I hope. A word of thanks to all the great readers, reviewers, bloggers, friends, family, publisher… everyone who helped get the word out about Falling for the Doctor. There are still some things in the offing–reviewers who need to post, ARC readers who need to review, a couple of podcast, which I just adore doing, and Carmen Cook’s Reading from the Revenge Garden is coming up today…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Snoozy and Anticipation Edition

    I’m at the lake this weekend, sleeping. Seriously…it’s as if someone has drugged my beverages. All I want to do is sleep. We’re both in that mode. I think it could be both of actually relaxing for the first time in months, but we’re going to bed early-ish, waking up late-ish, and taking little catnaps throughout the day. We should be getting some things done here at the cottage–window washing, floors need to be scrubbed, and we need to trim around the edges of the yard. The boat is finally in the water, and I did vacuum it really well yesterday before we launched, but the seats need to be…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Learning Curve Edition

    You know, if you’d asked me, say 10 or even 5 years ago, if I still had tons of stuff to learn, I might have told you, “Nope, I’ve lived and loved a lot of years…I think I’m pretty well where I should be knowledge-wise.” And wouldn’t that have been arrogant and presumptuous of me? I discover, pretty much daily, that knowledge is a growing and expanding thing. When there is something I feel I’ve learned all I can about or more specifically, all I care to learn about, well, the Universe laughs. Case in point–book promotion. Something I sorta suck at and yet, I must do, so I’m learning…

  • Book Blast Sign-Up Still Open!

    I’m doing a Book Blast blog tour for the release of The Baby Contract, book 4 in the Four Irish Brothers Winery series, which releases on July 16 from Tule Publishing. I love this book and I hope everyone falls crazy in love with Brendan and Tierney! The Book Blast tour is from July 27 through July 31 with GoddessFish Promotions and will include lots of excerpts and reviews and an awesome giveaway for five lucky readers, so if you are a book blogger and want to join in the fun, please sign up here! Thanks everyone!  Stay tuned for more book release fun! In the meantime, stay well, stay…

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  • Promo Is Scary

    I’m deep into book promo for Meant to Be, Sean and Megan’s book in the Four Irish Brothers Winery series that I’m writing for Tule Publishing. It releases on July 18, but is currently available for pre-order. I confess I’m not a good self-promoter. (However, I can stick a convenient link into a blog post with little trouble.) Most of the writers I know aren’t good at it. Promotion means coming out of our little writing caves and interacting with the reading public. I wish I could describe how intimidating that is. Although when I’m with my tribe, I’m pretty outgoing, I don’t do well with crowds of strangers, whether…

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