Sunday Snippet: The Autumn Is Here Edition
I love fall–I always have, and not just because my birthday is in the fall, but also because it’s a lovely time of year. Not an ending, but a beginning of cooler weather, sweatshirts and jeans and warm beverages and apples and pie and snuggling on the sofa in front of a fire.
We cut back some of the stuff in the front garden today–the one under my office window. It’s still got green and flowers in it, but not so much color as plants go dormant for a long winter’s nap. Husband loves the purple verbena and the colorful cosmos that are still hanging on, so we’ll leave those until they stop blooming. It’s bittersweet to trim the gardens after a summer full of blossoms, but it’s time and we’re grateful for the pleasure they brought us and look forward to all that glorious color next summer.
It’s time to start a new story–Book 1 in the Weaver Sisters of River’s Edge. Jazz, Jo, and Jenny have been in my head for so long, I’m glad to begin telling their stories. When I’m not writing there, I miss that little river town and it’s people. I’m not sure how many more River’s Edge stories I have to tell, but just as it seems that I have no more tales, characters clamor from the back of mind, begging for attention. Right now, I’ll focus on Jasmine Weaver, who’s just returned to Indiana after ten years away. She’s returning home in what she believes is disgrace, so she must get her footing and find herself again. Hold a good thought, okay?
I try not to get political here in the Sunday Snippet, but this is beyond politics and my frustration has overflowed with this dreadful pandemic and all the folks who refuse to recognize it for the public health crisis that it is. We passed 670,000 people dead from the virus this week. 670,000 American lives lost in less than two years. And so many have died unnecessarily when all they needed was to be vaccinated and wear a mask in public. I really hate how this virus is being treated as a political divider instead of all of us coming together for the good of one another. Please, if you haven’t been vaccinated, talk to your doc, listen to reason, and go get your shots. Scientists have been researching covid vaccines for over 20 years and so many of us are vaccinated and doing just fine. The long-term effects of this vaccine may not be something we know for certain, but we do know for certain that the effect of not getting it is terrible illness or death or passing it to someone who may not have your immune system. If your “freedom” causes someone else to die, how is that a good thing?
Stay well, safe, get vaccinated if you have not yet, wear your mask, and most of all stay grateful, mes amies.
One Comment
Liz Flaherty
I’m loving fall! I tucked some mums into the ground to give me a little color and they are performing admirably! Anxious for Jazz’s story to take shape.