The Weaver Sisters

  • Sunday Snippet: The Travelogue Edition

    Okay, the start of a travelogue. As you’re waking up and reading this, I’m on a plane with Son headed to Hawaii. Seriously. He’s going for a work thing, I’m tagging along because when your 40-something kid invites you to go along with him to Hawaii for a week, you get the okay from your cardiologist and then you say, “you betcha!” (I actually did that the other way around, but our secret, okay?) Darling Husband (who is no traveler by choice) will stay home and hold down the fort, and DIL and Grandboy have work and school, plus they’ve already been to Hawaii, so this was a perfect opportunity…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Post Retreat Edition

    It’s funny–it always takes me about a day to regroup after Liz and I have been on retreat. Settling back into my office, using the PC instead of the laptop, doing laundry, etc. I pretty much dropped my stuff yesterday and spent the day with Husband, catching up in the way married people who’ve been apart for a few days do. But today, I’m back in my office, looking out at a frosty morning and debating where to start. Well, apparently, I decided because here I am writing my Sunday Snippet. The retreat was, as always, fun and productive and full of words and story processing and sharing ideas. Liz…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Heart Update Edition

    So many kind folks have been checking in with me about the whole heart issue, I thought I’d fill y’all in on the latest. I promise not to belabor the heart thing, but I confess, it’s pretty large and looming here in Reinhardtville. January has been a month of doctors, labs, stress tests, new meds, and a whole new heart clinic and new cardiologist. Right off, I’m crazy about the new doc and her PA. They are kind, smart, understanding, and positive–all good qualities when one’s heart is failing. My diagnosis of HFrEF (Heart Failure with reduced Ejection Fraction) is one they work with almost exclusively, so they know their…

  • Author Spotlight: Me Again with Big Doings on the International Front!

    Bonjour, mes amies, and what a fun day it is! It is an International BookBub day for moi! The Valentine Wager, Book 1 in the Lange Brothers Trilogy is a BookBub Feature Deal in Canada, the UK, and Australia with a special sale price on the e-book! But that doesn’t mean that my U.S. readers have been left out. My awesome publisher has made The Valentine Wager e-book 99 cents everywhere, so if you haven’t had a chance to download this one yet, I hope you’ll check out this fantastic sale! Links are below! Amazon | B&N Nook | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play | Amazon UK |…

  • Author Spotlight: Me Again with News and a Giveaway

    Cathy Shouse and Latesha, you are my winners! I’ll get an e-book copy of Falling for the Doctor to both of you! I don’t have my usual guest today. I think everyone is recovering from the holidays and trying to get started on 2023, just as I am. But I got some good news from my amazing publisher, Tule Publishing. Some pre-order links for Home to River’s Edge are up! I’m so very excited about this new series–The Weaver Sisters. They’ve have been rambling around in my head since I wrote Max Lange’s story, and they keep whispering, “Tell our stories, please!” So I did and I am (Books 1 and…

  • Author Spotlight: It’s Me!

    Happy New Year again, mes amies. I’m using my first Author Spotlight day of 2023 to bring you some fun news and to tell you about the new series I have coming this year from Tule Publishing. Right off, news! Guru Son put a Subscribe link here on my website, so now you can subscribe to the website and stay up-to-date with all the news from me, like new releases, book signings, speaking engagements, Author Spotlights, and Sunday Snippets. We’re still working out the kinks, but please do click and subscribe if you’re inclined, and I promise not to bombard you with emails. My new River’s Edge series, The Weaver…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Heartfelt Edition

    Okay, as you know from my post a couple of weeks ago, I’m dealing with heart issues again–seems like when I very first started this blog way back when, I was having stupid heart issues. Yup, I’ve been dealing with this since December 2011. So, I’m back on a 7-day heart monitor (those puppies have changed a lot in 11 years) and on Tuesday, I have an echocardiogram, which will tell the cardiologist why I’m breathless and tired just walking around the block or going up a flight of stairs. I’m really, really hoping he doesn’t tell me it’s because I’m fat and post-menopausal because if that’s his diagnosis, I’m…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Snowy, Yup, It’s a Snippet Edition

    Hiya, happy Sunday. Well, okay, it’s actually Saturday morning and it’s snowing here in the city (probably up at the lake cottage, too, from the look of the radar), and we are snug in our little brick house enjoying this view. I love snow, particularly the first snow of the season. It makes me want hot chocolate and a fire in the fireplace, a soft snuggly sweater and a good book. And speaking of good books… See what I did there? It’s called a transition or a segue. It’s an author trick to lead readers to the next part of the story. That one wasn’t very subtle, but it’s fun…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Other-Worldly Edition

    So the scene is this: I’m writing this on Saturday mid-morning at the breakfast table, and I’m gazing out the windows that look out on the leaf-covered back yard. After several warm and sunny days–unusual for the first of November in my part of the world–we have dreary gray skies and rain. I should go walk on the treadmill, but instead, I’m having a second cup of coffee. Besides, going back to the treadmill means that I’d actually have to rise from my chair and I’m disinclined. I’ve been a weird state of mind since Liz and I got back from writing retreat, and I’m not sure why. I think…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Chasing Summer Edition

    It’s October 30 and it’s chilly and a little breezy here at the lake—crisp autumn chilly. The sun has been shining all weekend, until today. Clouds are rolling in and I think we’re due some rain. We raked leaves yesterday and hauled 10 golf-cart loads to the detritus pile up on the hill. It’s truly fall… and now I’m wondering what the hell happened to summer? I know summer was here—after all the cottage is still open (although we’re closing up soon). I vaguely remember a boat ride or two, several swims in the lake, although not nearly as many as previous years, and a lot of editing work, and…