Weekend Writing Warriors 8-Sentence Sunday #6 Redux…
This snippet from The Music Is You picks up where last week’s left off with Carrie opening the door to her worst fears—Liam Reilly, the man she’d loved and lost sixteen years earlier. She broke his heart and this is his opportunity to find out exactly what happened so long ago. He has the upper hand at the moment, but that could all change…
He hadn’t changed much—a little brawnier, a few gray strands threading through his dark red hair, some lines around his eyes. The gray-streaked goatee was new, but basically he was the same Liam Reilly.
What a crummy thing to do, blindsiding me first thing in the morning!
When she was finally able to speak, her voice was husky with sleep. “Why are you here?”
He opened the door and lounged against the jamb. “I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I’d drop by.”
How had he found her so quickly?
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Sarah Ballance
He is SO wickedly casual. I can see her flustered and him so calm and making things worse for her. Great excerpt!
He’s got a little wicked in him, no doubt about it. Thanks for stopping by, Sarah.
Robena Grant
Nice. I like the unfolding of this scene. ; )
Thanks, Roben! So glad you could come by!
C. Amrhein (@HistorySleuth1)
Very romantic. I want to know what happened too! I’ll be back next week.
Thanks for stopping by, Cindy!
Siobhan Muir
The fink! Great snippet and love where this is going. 🙂
Thank you, Siobhan! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the snippets–this story is my heart.
Teresa Cypher
Haha! So casual, leaning against the jamb. I’d feel horrible in her situation. Yep–he has the upper hand. 🙂 Good post, Nan! I do like this story. 🙂
Thanks, Teresa! Glad you stopped by!
Linda Morris
Okay, that worked! Like I said, I don’t think he’s just dropping by. And I love a guy with a few lines and gray hairs.
Thanks, Linda! So glad you came by!! Sorry for how messed up things were–I think I’m back on track…