Weekend Writing Warriors 8-Sentence Sunday #7
The first two weeks of 8-Sentence Sunday, I gave you snippets from my completed novel, Like Fine Wine—the story of Julie Miles, a widow who’s come to Chicago to try to regroup after losing her husband of over thirty years. Just for fun, I’m returning to that story this week. After all, I need to keep you intrigued with two different novels that are both releasing this year. Here we go…
In the last snippet, Will Brody, the hot guy across the hall, stopped by to check on Julie. He’s attractive and kind and funny, and Julie can’t seem to help responding to him. She’s shocked to realize that her libido didn’t die with her husband after all. But Will misinterprets her confusion, thinking she’s having a bad moment of grief. She doesn’t disabuse him…
With a little sympathetic cluck, he tugged me into his arms. “Julie, it’s okay…it’s okay. I know this must be hard.”
He’d completely misread me, but my arms slid around his waist anyway. I pressed myself against his chest, inhaling the scent of him—clean, crisp, woodsy. Dear God, I’d forgotten how it good it felt to be in a strong man’s arms. How delicious to have a man’s hands smoothing over my back, a man’s body warm and hard next to mine. He stroked my hair, murmuring little comforts. Shamelessly, I basked in his embrace.
This book is the first time I’d tried writing in first person and I really thought it was fun! I even tried it in third, just to see how it would work, but somehow, Julie’s story just came out in first. More of both Like Fine Wine and The Music Is You as the weeks progress. Thanks for stopping by and please don’t miss the other Weekend Writing Warriors. Head on over and check out the work of dozens of other writers. You’ll be so glad you did!
Teresa Cypher
Wonderful, Nan. Your description of what she thought and felt (physically) are so well written. And I like it in first! 🙂
Thanks, Teresa! So glad you stopped by!
Cindy Amrhein ( @historysleuth1 )
Well done! A little comfort amidst the sorrow. That was a very romantic snippet.
Thanks, Cindy! So glad you came by!
Linda Morris
I admit I don’t usually enjoy first-person as well as third, but it really works here. I like the wry humor. Oh, is he going to be in for a surprise when he realizes she’s not just grieving anymore.
Thanks for stopping by, Linda. Oh, they’re both in for a surprise… 😉
Vivien Dean
It’s hard to argue when a character insists on 1st person. I like her a lot. Thanks for sharing!
Very true, Vivien. Thanks for stopping by!
Siobhan Muir
Nicely done, Nan. I’m right there with her through the whole scene. Love how she takes her comforts where she can. 🙂
Thanks, Siobhan! We all have to do that, don’t we?
Kate Warren
I don’t blame her a bit. He seems like a nice guy.
Thanks for coming by, Kate–he is a nice guy.
This was beautiful. Her reaction to him, and her surprise at that reaction, was just perfect. I’m hoping they end up together. And I think this works well in first person – I honestly don’t know that it would read as well in third.
Hi Jenny! Well, it is a romance novel…but it’s long road, so stick around, okay? Thanks!!
Gemma Parkes
Beautiful, l love the way you’ve captured the way she is feeling, and who hasn’t felt exactly like that at some time or another?
Thank you, Gemma! You’re right, of course, who hasn’t? Glad you came by!
Shannyn Schroeder
Wow – I love that she takes advantage of what he’s offering even though he has no idea what she’s thinking. You make her grief real in how much she misses being held. Great 8!
Thank you, Shannyn–I’m glad you felt her grief because it’s huge part of what drives her right now and of her arc through the book. Glad you came by!
Veronica Scott
Definitely an excellent excerpt, loved your description of how good it all felt!
Thanks, Veronica! Happy you stopped by!
Anne Lange
Yeah, I’d snuggle up and take the moment too. Nicely done.
Hi Anne! He’s hard to resist, isn’t he? So glad you came by!
Summer Ross
I think characters pick first or third. LOl I wrote my leading lady in third and when I tried to write her in first it came out awful. LOl Thanks for sharing.
I think you’re right, Summer. All my other books are in third, but Julie just spoke to me in first, so that’s how I wrote her. Thank you for coming by!
Joanne Stewart
A sexy, sensitive guy wraps his arms around you? Can’t say as I blame her! 😉
I’d find it hard to resist too, Joanne! Thanks!
Elaine Cantrell
It takes awhile, but most people do eventually get over the death of a spouse. It sounds as her time to heal has arrived.
Hi Elaine, it’s been a tough year for her, she’s ready to move on, but it won’t be easy. Thanks for coming by.
Nancy Bristow
It works, Nan. I felt like I was in Julie’s skin.
Thank you, Nancy! So glad you came by! Great to hear from you!
I’m hoping these two get together! She deserves a little happiness. Good one. 🙂
Hi, Debbie–well, it’s a romance novel, so… 😉
Carol Duff
Sometimes something you didn’t expect can turn wonderful as it seems to have happened in this moment. It seems something that she hadn’t even thought about for some time had just happened in a wonderful way.
Thanks, Carol! So glad you stopped by.