• Hi, It’s Me…

    I promised myself that I would blog again once this book was done and guess what? It’s done! Clap hands!! Of course, I realize that this is only a first draft and once my betas and my  editor have been through it, there will be more work to do, but for now, Book 3 of the Women of Willow Bay series is officially finished! I’m so happy, I’ve been Snoopy-dancing all day long. I’m not sure why the book took so long. Actually, most of was written several months ago. But I changed it up—a lot—and suddenly it got bigger than anything I’d planned. I confess, it’s my own fault.…

  • 8-Sentence Sunday Redux

    So last week, I posted my eight and realized after I did it that I’d forgotten to sign up. DUH!! It’s been that kind of month, Mes Amies. However, here are the eight sentences from The Summer of Second Chances that I posted last week, and Sophie and Ben just cannot catch a break. That delicious kiss intensifies when suddenly… “Sophie.” Ben pulled back and reached down to grasp her hands, “Soph… somebody’s at the door.” Squinting up into his passion-dark eyes, almost navy in the lamplight from the living room, she blinked in confusion before she finally heard the knocking from the utility room. Someone was rattling the hook…

  • 8-Sentence Sunday

    Eight sentences are up from The Summer of Second Chances and Sophie and Ben just cannot catch a break. That delicious kiss intensifies when suddenly… “Sophie.” Ben pulled back and reached down to grasp her hands, “Soph… somebody’s at the door.” Squinting up into his passion-dark eyes, almost navy in the lamplight from the living room, she blinked in confusion before she finally heard the knocking from the utility room. Someone was rattling the hook on the screen door. He touched her lips with one finger, a gentle caress as he set her away from him. “Sheesh, this place is Grand Central Station tonight.” His breath came fast and shallow.…

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  • 8-Sentence Sunday

    It’s Sunday and time for eight more sentences from The Summer of Second Chances. Ben’s resistance is gone and Sophie’s suddenly shocked as hell that he succumbed, but she’s enjoying herself… Sophie moaned into the kiss. His hands were driving her insane—he traced the path of her spine and fire followed each touch. When she arched against his palm, he slid his fingers under the elastic band of her built-in bra, then around to cup her breast. As his thumb brushed her nipple, sanity rose to the surface for a brief moment. Dear God, she’d really done it. She wasn’t sure what astonished her more, the fact that she’d actually seduced…

  • 8-Sentence Sunday

    It’s rolled around again, hasn’t it? Now…where were we? Oh, yeah, Ben’s trying to figure out what happened to his sweet little editor and Sophie’s giving seduction her best effort… Her voice was husky as she looked up at him from under her lashes. With that, he lost the tiny grip he had on his self-control. Groaning, he pulled her into arms. She melted against him, kissing him hungrily, opening her lips to his. His restless hands moved over her back, finding the hem of her tank top and then touching soft skin. “You’re killing me here, Russo,” he murmured against her lips. “God, you’re irresistible.” Taking her lips again,…

  • 8-Sentence Sunday

    Here we are again with Sophie and Ben in The Summer of Second Chances with, I confess, a little creative punctuation. Sophie’s suggestion that they try just having a summer fling has shocked poor old Ben down to his sandals. He’s figuring he’s going to have to be the cautious one here because clearly, Sophie had thrown all caution to the wind… He tries to lighten the sexually charged atmosphere with a weak joke about “friends with benefits,” but Sophie’s not having it…she’s all in… “I’d love to give it a try,” smiling, Sophie rose from the stool and slipped around the end of the bar. “No, don’t.” Holding up…

  • 8-Sentence Sunday…At Last!

    So sorry for being MIA for a month, but we’re back with Sophie and Ben and The Summer of Second Chances. When we left them, their magical first kiss had been interrupted and now they’re alone again. Ben is trying to be sensible, explaining that he’s just out of a nasty divorce and not ready for another relationship. Sophie shocks him down to his socks with her response: “So what’s wrong with simply having some fun together this summer? No expectations, no commitments. We’re both adults,” a little shrug of her shoulders and the tank top slipped down. His gut lurched. Yup, she definitely wasn’t wearing a bra. Just have…

  • 8-Sentence Sunday

    I was MIA last week. Life got in the way. We’re continuing in The Summer of Second Chances and Ben and Sophie’s first kiss. Where will it lead? His eyes were dark blue and questioning, and he looked exactly how she felt, a little bewildered and wary. But he didn’t move back or take his hands off her—they were both breathless. Sophie closed her eyes, tipping her head back for second, trying hard to get her brain back in gear. Then she met his eyes again; not a single word had passed between them yet. He watched her, his expression full of wonder and so much tenderness that she wanted…

  • 8-Sentence Sunday

    8-Sentence Sunday has come around again…time is flying by! We’re still in the scene with Sophie and Ben’s first kiss in The Summer of Second Chances, but this time, we’re in Sophie’s POV… For one brief moment, Sophie wondered if a kiss that had probably been building up for years might turn out to be anticlimactic. It wasn’t. The warm pressure of Ben’s mouth on hers kindled a response that set her pulse hammering. That tiny flicker of longing that had smoldered deep inside her since he’d stepped into the kitchen of the Sandpiper flared to an inferno. His hands moved lower to pull her harder against his warm, muscled…

  • 8-Sentence Sunday

    We’re back with a snippet from The Summer of Second Chances and I’m staying in the scene in Sophie’s kitchen for today. You didn’t really think I’d leave you hanging on their first kiss, did you? I’m mean, but I’m not that mean! Remember last week, Ben didn’t think kissing her was a good idea, but here they are after sharing a meal and wine. Sophie’s practically announced that she’s attracted to him, he’s very attracted to her, the kitchen is steamy… He’s dying to kiss her, but he’s still overthinking it… Don’t do it—turn around and go back to your own cottage. He stared into her green eyes. When…