8-Sentence Sunday
I was MIA last week. Life got in the way. We’re continuing in The Summer of Second Chances and Ben and Sophie’s first kiss. Where will it lead?
His eyes were dark blue and questioning, and he looked exactly how she felt, a little bewildered and wary. But he didn’t move back or take his hands off her—they were both breathless.
Sophie closed her eyes, tipping her head back for second, trying hard to get her brain back in gear. Then she met his eyes again; not a single word had passed between them yet. He watched her, his expression full of wonder and so much tenderness that she wanted to crawl inside his heart and stay there forever.
“Sophie?” A voice came from beyond the utility room, “Hey, Soph, you in there?” Noah Dixon pounded on the screen door, tugging against the hook.
Yeah, they got interrupted. It was inevitable, right? 😉
Here’s a shot of the white caps on Lake Michigan, taken from the top of Sophie’s beach steps. I hope you continue to be intrigued by Sophie and Ben. Stay tuned for more from The Summer of Second Chances. Comments are welcome and encouraged. Please don’t miss the other Weekend Writing Warriors. Head on over and check out the work of dozens of other writers. You’ll be so glad you did.
Millie Burns
Oh writer’s are such an evil lot! You interrupted them? In the middle of breathless wonder!!! Oh Man!
Yeah…I’m one of those evil ones. 😉 Very glad you stopped by, Millie!
Charmaine Gordon
Missed you last week. Lovely eight with just the right wonder of it all moment we mature folks know and love.
Thanks, Charmaine! Life just got ahead of me last week…so glad to be back on track, mostly. So glad you came by!
Sue Ann Bowling
Well of course the author has to interrupt it.
Hey Sue Ann! You’re right, what would be the fun otherwise? Thanks for coming by, babe!
Siobhan Muir
Ah, man, worst timing. Great snippet, Nan. 🙂
Happy you came by, Siobhan. Thank you!
Veronica Scott
What a time to get interrupted, darn! Enjoyed the excerpt, I really love your characters and want to read more.
Thank you, Veronica! Glad you stopped by!
Tina Christopher
Beautiful moment and you have put me right there with them. I want to smack whoever is about to interrupt them;). Well done.
Thanks, Tina. Trust me, Sophie wants to smack him too! 😉
Susan Stuckey
great imagery in this snippet … and yes the interruption was inevitable. Very nicely done.
Thank, Susan! Glad you came by!
aww. Your descriptions are great, Nan. You put us right there with Sophie without dragging us down by having her overthink the moment. Succinct, but makes us want more. Cool beans!
Thanks, Marcia…appreciate you stopping by and commenting!
EE Giorgi
love the image of her crawling inside his heart
Thank you, EE! So glad you came by!