• Sunday Snippet: The Editor Nan Edition

    Nine years ago–gosh, has it been that long? Nine years ago, when Husband retired, took off his watch, and said, “I’m done,” we agreed that I would work until I got to age…well, a certain number. We’d worked endlessly on a retirement budget, figured every dime, and knew exactly what we’d need to maintain the lifestyle to which we’d become accustomed. Back then, it felt a long way off and I was sure that by the time I got to that number, I’d be ready to stop editing. Well, that certain number now looms large on the horizon and I’m not at all sure I’m ready to hang up my editor…

  • Sunday Snippet: The I Love Being an Editor Edition

    I gotta tell you, I love, love my job as a freelance copy editor. I’ve got a editorial high going right now because the book I just worked on was a little slice of literary heaven. This author’s voice is so gorgeous and her stories are enchanting. This is the third one of her books I’ve copy edited, and every one has been such a pleasure. I can’t reveal her name right now, but y’all are going to meet her here this spring because she’s agreed to do an Author Spotlight when her first book releases. I’ll be recommending her books to anyone who’ll listen, so watch the Spotlights, okay?…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Heart Update Edition

    So many kind folks have been checking in with me about the whole heart issue, I thought I’d fill y’all in on the latest. I promise not to belabor the heart thing, but I confess, it’s pretty large and looming here in Reinhardtville. January has been a month of doctors, labs, stress tests, new meds, and a whole new heart clinic and new cardiologist. Right off, I’m crazy about the new doc and her PA. They are kind, smart, understanding, and positive–all good qualities when one’s heart is failing. My diagnosis of HFrEF (Heart Failure with reduced Ejection Fraction) is one they work with almost exclusively, so they know their…

  • Sunday Snippet: The BookBub Edition

    It’s been a crazy week–not bad crazy, just busy crazy. I’m late getting this up because I slept in just a bit this morning after spend the last three days doing a rush project for a new client. I gotta say, rushing the work is always rough, but I really like this new client. She’s fun and friendly and kind and her book was delightful. I hope it’s the start of great relationship. I’ve written a lot this week as well, but the next couple of weeks will be devoted to finishing my current WIP–book 2 in the Weaver Sisters trilogy–and getting it into my editor’s hands, which means I’ll…