Sunday Snippet: The Snap Judgments Edition
I was thinking about snap judgments–how we all make them and how we all have them made about us. Here’s what got me started–social media trolls. Bear with me, I promise I’m going to make this connect. At least ten or twelve times a week (sometimes that many in a day!) I get friend requests on Facebook and even more on Instagram from trolls–either random bots or really bored and kinda sleazy guys looking for attention. No, I’m not going to be your friend because you “like my smile” or you think I’m “gorgeous” and you “can’t stop thinking about me.” Seriously? You don’t even know me, dude. Being blonde…
Sunday Snippet: The Ode to Grandboy Edition
“Grandchildren fill a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.“—Unknown For a woman who once said, “It’s fine if we don’t get grandkids, it won’t be the end of the world,” this quote couldn’t be more true. Yes, it’s all about Grandboy this week. He turned twelve yesterday, which means he’s almost a teenager. My heart! I’m completely besotted with this child…er, young man. Each time I’m with him, I’m more bewitched with his intelligence, his humor, his charm…his heart. He is the kindest kid I know and worries about things like hurting someone else’s feelings and what he can do to make life better for someone…
Sunday Snippet: The Spring Cleaning Edition
We spring cleaned yesterday–every room from stem to stern–and the house looks and smells so fresh and I’m very glad, but… Is it just me or do we care less about housework as we get older? Once upon a time, Mondays and Tuesdays were my housecleaning days. I literally cleaned for two solid days, working my round butt off scrubbing floors and bathrooms, vacuuming, dusting, doing laundry. At least twice a year, I pulled everything out of the china hutch, washed every piece, and put it back in, all shiny clean. I reorganized closets and drawers four times a year, washed windows every spring and fall (I still do that!),…
Thursday Snippet: The We’ve Changed Islands Edition
Big day today. We checked out of our lovely Marriott Resort and Spa around 8:00 a.m. and piled into Ruby’s rental car–four of Son’s colleagues and moi. The kids (they’re all Sons age, so kids definitely applies) dropped me at Pearl Harbor and then they went on to one last meeting, this time in Pearl City. I gotta tell you, Pearl Harbor was fascinating, sobering, touching, extraordinary–all the things you would imagine it to be. I started at the submarine exhibit and the anchor memorial that honors the men who perished on the Arizona–The boats out the to Arizona weren’t running this morning, so I opted to take the shuttle…
Wednesday Snippet: The Another Day In Paradise Edition
It was a lazy day today–much like yesterday, although different in that Son and I walked down the Strip for breakfast. It was lovely to start the morning with him. Then he went to his conference and I came up to the room to write. Got about 1K words in–not bad. I’ll take it. After I got to a writing stopping place, I wandered down to the beach to walk along the shore and out on the pier. No whales but lots of surfers and tourists. I had an appointment to get my hair washed and blown out at noon (this is Liz’s and my travel thing–we don’t do our…
Monday Snippet: Day 1 in Hawaii
Well, not quite a whole day 1, but I’m posting now because I’m writing this morning and this view is so knock-my-socks-off (if I were wearing socks) gorgeous, I just can’t resist sharing this with you. The trip here to Waikiki was pretty uneventful except for typical airline silliness, which we bore well because Son is a seasoned traveler and I always look at travel days as lost days. I never worry about delays or other such nonsense because traveling is an opportunity to people-watch and this time, it was a chance to be with Son, so a little flight delay was no big issue. The 9-hour flight cross-country, cross-ocean…
Sunday Snippet: The I’m Used Up Edition
I’m not whining, I promise. But it’s been a pretty busy week and the weeks ahead look mighty full as well. I’m already longing for a writing retreat and we just got back from one a couple of weeks ago. Book release is wonderful and humbling and somehow the imposter syndrome kicks in, which I’m trying very hard to damp down. I am a good writer and I should own that and enjoy the flurry of book release praise and move on. The Fireman’s Christmas Wish is a good book–a well-told story and I love these two characters as much I’ve loved any I’ve written before or since. But I…