Sunday Snippet: The On Our Way Edition
Today’s snippet is necessarily short because I’m meeting Liz in a couple of hours and we’ll be on our way to Michigan for our fall writing retreat. If I could be any more excited, I promise you I don’t know how. I’ll be doing revisions on this trip with probably a little bit of new writing tossed in–I need to get started on Book 3 in the Weaver Sisters trilogy. Liz will be working on her new project, which isn’t mine to tell about, but I’m really excited about it!
We’ll wander the west coast of Michigan, checking out lighthouses, wineries, beaches, and great restaurants, but mostly, we’ll be in our condo (which we are both uber excited to see) simply writing, sharing, and processing. We both need this trip so desperately. My summer’s been tough and although I’m a tiny bit leery of leaving Husband, he assures me he’s just fine and will probably enjoy a few days of me not hovering over him like a mother hen. (When husbands get diagnosed with cancer, wives tend to hover.)
Anyway, we’ll check in here and watch both Liz’s and my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages for Michigan updates. I’ll post tonight and on Monday and Tuesday, but Wednesday and Thursday are Author Spotlight days, so no posts from Michigan on those days.
Gratitude for this week: I had lovely birthday and Husband replaced my old, battered Fitbit with a brand new model that I already love; Paris cake! Time with sister; Fall is in the air; and a wonderful lunch with some new friends who, it turns out, are just a blast!
Stay safe, stay well–don’t let go of your masks–be kind, and most of all, mes amies, stay grateful!
Janie DeVos
A happy belated, dear Nan! May the celebration continue on…
Kimberly Field
Have a wonderful trip and retreat!
Liz Flaherty
We are having so much fun. Not that I’d want anyone to feel jealous, but…oh, yeah, go ahead! 🙂