Gratitude,  Musings,  This Life...

Sunday Snippet: The Moments of Blessing Edition

Thanksgiving week is a time for gratitude. To look back on the year and count my blessings because oh, how I am blessed.

This past year has been such a busy one. Between writing and book releases and editing gigs and promotion, I’ve barely had time to simply breathe. But even amidst all that scurrying and time spent at my computer, writing and working, I’ve had moments. Too many to list them all here and too many people in my life to mention them all here, although they are always in my heart, but here a few moments from this year.

Moments with Husband: Dancing in a vineyard in Oregon to celebrate our fifty years together. Relaxing on the deck with a glass of wine at our city house or on the deck at the lake enjoying our cottage. Taking a boat ride on the lake on a weekday when the water is smooth and clear. Walking in the ‘hood enjoying our neighbors’ beautiful gardens. Even simply lingering at the breakfast table over a second cup of coffee before we both start our days. A poet once said, “Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.” After over fifty years with this man, that line has even more meaning. I am so grateful for him, for us. I am blessed.

Moments with Son: A trip to Hawaii in March–just he and I–something that I will cherish the rest of my life. Hawaii was amazing and beautiful, but more, time with Son was just the best. He is such an extraordinary man and although I take no credit for his many accomplishments, I am always delighted to be able to say, ‘That’s my kid.” I am blessed.

Moments with Grandboy and DIL: It goes without saying that our sweet grandboy, who is growing into a young man before our very eyes is always wondrous. He learned to drive the golf cart this summer so we had several opportunities to ride and chat. How I do love that child. And his mother, who warms my heart with her caring and love for us. She is remarkable in her energy and willingness to take on anything that needs doing. I am blessed.

Moments with Family: Every two weeks, sister PJ and I get together for a girly time of mani/pedis. It’s not just getting pretty nails, it’s a time to connect, catch up, and be together. This year we got to spend time with our brother in CA in July, and then again in September, when he and his wife came back for his 50th high school reunion. I’m wistful when I realize that there are only two people left in the world who know my whole history. I am blessed.

Moments with Friends: Writing retreats with Liz are the highlights of my year. They are more than just time to write, they are processing out loud, sharing secrets and joys and learning one another all over again. Time with Moe is pure fun–wine and books, long talks and swimming in the lake… she is my heart. My Lovelies–a group of new friends who’ve become kindred spirits in this past year. My darling neighbor and walking buddy, Mary, who makes me move my butt even when I think I can’t take another step, who cares enough to remind me to slow down when I become breathless, and whose green thumb has turned my gardens into a spectacular display of color each summer. Old friends rediscovered and others I may not see as often as I’d like to, but with whom I share an unbreakable bond. I am blessed.

Moments with Colleagues: Time spent with author friends at the Tule Author Retreat in San Juan Capistrano this summer was energizing and wonderful! I found a new friend and kindred spirit in Carol, my roomie, and loved every moment of our time together with the other authors. My publisher Jane Porter and her team are simply amazing and I’m so grateful to be a part of Tule Publishing, both as author and editor. Their faith in my and my stories keeps me going even when I wonder if I have any words left. I can’t imagine this writing journey without my editor Sinclair and all the others at Tule. I am blessed.

Moments for Me: The time I spend in River’s Edge–my little fictional town on the Ohio River–is not just writing time. My whole life I’ve lived in a different place than the rest of my friends and family–Nan’s world–where the people in my head get to live out all my fantasies and even some of the realities that I’ve experienced. It’s a good place, Nan’s world, and there’s always wine and chocolate. I am truly blessed.

I hope you’ll count your own moments of blessing this week as we all gather in thanksgiving. Enjoy your turkey and pie and wine, but most of all enjoy whomever you are sharing those delights with.

Stay well, stay safe (vaccines and masks), be kind, but most of all, mes amies, stay grateful!




  • Carol Light

    I’m so blessed to have you as a friend and mentor in the novel writing biz! I’m honored to be included here in your blessings. This has been quite a year! I’m so glad you’re feeling healthy and have enjoyed several wonderful trips and your time at the lake this year! Hope to see you in 2024!

  • Vicki-Calif

    Yes, Nan, lots of blessings to be thankful for. I am glad that on your trip to Hawaii with Son, you spent a little time in California and we were able to get together in person (instead of on a tiny little Zoom screen). Getting addicted to reading your books has also been a big part of my year.


    You’ve had a wonderful year with lots of exciting things happening. You are a wonderful writer, and person, but most of all friend. I miss being at the lake and seeing all our friends, and the five o’clock deck visits. Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving and another year of success and happiness.