Gratitude,  The Weaver Sisters,  This Life...,  Tule Publishing

Sunday Snippet: The It’s All About the Promo Edition

Today, it is, mes amis. It’s actually Saturday late afternoon. I’ve met a friend for breakfast, edited almost 80 combined pages on two different projects today, made some notes about my own WIP on my lunch break, gotten rained on during my quick walk around the ‘hood, and frankly, my brain is fried. Grandboy is due here any moment and I need to go back and change the sheets on his bed. Then I’ll take him to the theater for his next-to-last performance of As You Like It. 

It’s been a day… not a bad day at all, just a day where I could’ve taken a nap at any given moment. Pal Mary and I shuffled through fallen leaves on our wet walk and I’m not sure I was ready for that–leaves on the ground already. However, the fall colors are coming on strong and that’s nice. It’s wet and chilly and gray outside, but Husband made tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches and salads for lunch and somehow, that made the day feel warmer and cozier.

Promotion for Christmas in River’s Edge starts in earnest this week–the book releases on October 23. I’m excited for this book–the last of the Weaver Sisters trilogy. Gabe and Jenny are good characters and their story has some different elements in it that touched me deeply as I wrote it. I hope my readers are moved by the story, too. Early reviews show me folks are enjoying the story.

Now comes the look-at-me part that I’m so not good at, starting with a release day party at the Tule Book Club on Facebook on October 23 and then other events as I shout out this book. I hope you’ll all bear with me, come along for the fun and the giveaways and the ride. The fun has already started with a giveaway on Fresh Fiction and there are nine days left for that fun giveaway!  I’ll do some cool things here, and there will be other places to join in the fun, I promise. So I hope you hang in with me! I sure do appreciate your support!

Gratitude for this week: A surprise visit from dear friend, Lani Diane Rich, was a treat; the second Walker Family book is progressing; my holly hock by the dining room still blooms; breakfast with Connie was so nice; and we get to have Grandboy overnight tonight. 

Stay well, stay safe (masks and vaccines are in order, I think), send light to Israel and Gaza, keep reading, and most all, mes amis, stay grateful.