Gratitude,  Lake life,  Memories,  Musings,  The Weaver Sisters,  This Life...,  Tule Publishing

Sunday Snippet: The Gone Fishin’ Edition

Yup… I really had nothing for today. My brain is exhausted and empty from finishing up the second book in the Weaver Sisters trilogy for Tule Publishing. I’ll be sending it off to my editor tomorrow and I’ll be on pins and needles until I hear from her. I’m never sure if I’ve hit the mark or not–sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t, but with the help of my editor, the awesome and brilliant Sinclair Sawney, it will turn into what it should be.

So, this morning, when I was lying awake in bed, wondering what I was going to write about in the Sunday Snippet, Son texted, “Anybody awake?”

When I said I was, he wondered if either his dad or I wanted to go out trolling on the lake for bass or walleye. Husband was looking to sleep in, but I figured, “Why not? It was a chance for some Mom/Son time, which is rare these days (as it should be, he has his own family to be with), so I jumped up, pulled on some clothes, made a cup of coffee to go, and met him down at the dock.

The sun was just peeking over the horizon in the east and the lake was like glass, but we could see the little shad jumping, so we knew something under them was feeding. Hopefully, whatever was down there would find our bait more interesting than the shad. As it happened, they did not–not a single bite, but the sunrise was gorgeous, the lake perfection, and time with dear Son was a blessing.

Hope you’ve had moments of gorgeous and blessing this week, too.

Gratitude for this week: Jo and Alex’s story is done; lovely weather for walking, so I got my steps in every day; swimming with Son, DIL, and Grandboy yesterday was such fun; Husband is getting better and stronger every day; a morning with Son. Life is good.

Stay well, stay safe, hang on to those masks–we’ll need them again, be kind to someone, and most of all, mes amies, stay grateful!