
Post-Rapture Musings (a little early…)

Okay, I confess, I’ve had a tiny knot in my stomach all day today and it’s still there. I don’t actually believe that the Rapture is going to happen today–my common sense and my good Christian Church Disciples of Christ upbringing have come to the rescue every time I started to clutch. I know that people have been predicting the End of the World as We Know It for centuries, but thanks to the Internet, this is the first time I’ve been so aware of one of these calls to arms.

A part of me has to give the folks who spread the word some credit–they did one heckuva job getting their message out to the world. And I admit to a grudging respect for someone who believes so fiercely in a cause they are willing to give up everything for it. I don’t have that kind of tenacity about much, except my kid, who I’d walk through fire for if he needed me. I pray God’s gracious hand of protection around them as they rebuild their lives starting tomorrow.

Husband and I spent the day doing yard work–planting flowers and mulching and mowing and weeding. It felt important today to do something that involved celebrating new life, something that said, “I believe in life and the eternal blessings of God’s love for this Earth and His children.” Then we cooked steaks on the grill, added roasted potatoes, peas, fresh strawberries, and a delicious tempranillo and had a quiet supper together–just like any other Saturday night. The normalcy felt right.

Yeah, the little knot is still there–probably will be until I wake up tomorrow morning and find that the world is exactly as it should be, but I accept the peace that passes all understanding and I believe that God so loved the world…



  • mary Burton

    I loved visiting your very own little writing space. I think I’m must be a good listener as I was already aware of your underpants dilema and have actually witnessed a steady rise in inappropriate word usuage. (Mind you, I haven’t succumbed because after teaching juvenile delinquents for 30 years, the F word has lost its punch.) Yet . . . I do agree your selfish hogging of the world famous “fricative” is well said when your teeth leave your bottom lip. No matter where we are when that happens, I somehow feel my plate is a bit lighter and there is a small cloud under my feet. Thank God for friendly neighbors.

  • Tim

    Hey Brookville Babe

    How does one actually sign up to follow your blog? I can’t find that feature anywhere?
