Places I Love
This might be a lazy way to blog, but I’ve been thinking lately about places I love and I thought I’d share a few of them with you. These are all places I’ve been, so the pictures are mine. I’d love to hear about places you love, so share, okay?
This one is too easy, but honestly, Paris is right at the top of my favorite places list—it was at the top before I ever got to go. Paris didn’t disappoint, it was wondrous! I’d go back in a heartbeat!
This is a castle that we stopped at along the way to Killarney in Ireland. So amazing! There are abandoned and broken-down castles all over Ireland. We got to tour several that were open as museums and that was fascinating, but to see them along the road, just like we see old barns in the United States, well, that was surreal!
This is the beach at Saugatuck, Michigan, one my favorite places in the world! I think I got my love of Lake Michigan from my mom, who adored it and took us camping there almost every weekend when I was kid.
My next two novels take place in Michigan. I go up there every chance I get!
This view of our lake (where our cottage is) is taken from the back of the boat. I love our lake and all the fun we have there. And…I love this little sun deck on the back of the boat—it’s a great place to read and take a nap when we anchor in a cove for lunch.
This is Whyte Horse Winery, a winery in Indiana that I absolutely love. Fabulous wine and a beautiful old house that they’ve turned into a tasting room. They even have outdoor tables for picnics.
So, tell me some of your favorite places and if you enjoyed this little travelogue, let me know. Maybe we’ll do another one soon.
Liz Flaherty
This is a great idea, and doesn’t seem lazy to me at all. I’m with Robena in that I need to do it, too–it’ll be a world tour!
Oh, and I’d like to go back to that winery…
Thanks, Liz! I’d love to see some pictures of your Snowbird place! Post, please! And by all means, let’s hit Whyte Horse this summer!
Robena Grant
Lovely! I adore your photos. I need to do this on my blog some day. Lighten things up when they get too heavy with writing/publishing/author stuff.
Hope the foot is healing well. : )
Thanks for coming by, Roben! I have all the wonderful pictures of trips I’ve taken, it seemed like a good idea to share!