This Life...

January Memos

Dear Orthopedic Surgeon,

Okay, I admit, it’s not your fault (even though you are the one who cut my foot open!). You never said this would be a piece o’ cake. I was the one who stupidly assumed I’d be healed and back on my treadmill in two weeks. You’ll be proud of me, though. I’m tolerating more weight on the foot, and my cane and I look quite jaunty when we go out together.

Healingly yours,



Dear Muse,

Welcome back! We’ve almost gotten Like Fine Wine finished, and The Music Is You is steaming ahead with revisions. We might just have a new book out by summer!

Creatively yours,



Dear Weather,

WTF?! This week’s temperature extremes have gone from 65 degrees to 3 degrees in just two days. This is January in the Midwest. For heaven’s sake, act like winter, would you, and stop teasing me with spring!

Shivering and sweating alternately,



Dear Desktop Computer,

Okay, okay. I get it. You’re old, you’re tired. It’s time for you to retire to that great electronics graveyard, but seriously? Couldn’t you have waited to poop out on me until I got through this pile of work and revisions? You couldn’t hang in for a couple more months? No. I guess not, huh?

Breaking into my piggy bank,




Thank you for putting up free books each day. I love going through the list to see if there’s anything I can’t live without. Each day I find at least one new book, so my Kindle’s little electrons are eating well.  And by the way, I adore my Kindle Fire HD—I’m not at all sure how I ever lived without it!

Reading well into the night,



Dear Grandboy,

I can’t stand how fast you’re growing! Slow down a little, okay? Just until I get there next month, so you won’t be too big to want to be cuddled by Nanny. Can’t wait to see you, little guy. You’re more precious every day.

Snugglingly yours,



Dear Husband,

Thank you so much for being such a great nurse while I’ve been laid up. You’ve gone way beyond husbandly duty. I’m going to have to think of a very special way to show my appreciation. I am blessed to have you. You’re the best, baby!

Avec amour,
