Nan in Search of Clarity–Day 3
You know, I really don’t want these 30 days to be just me whining about my state of mind, my feelings…for one thing, it’s going to get pretty damn boring and for another, it’s not me. I’m not really a whiner by nature. Even though I kinda feel whiny, I also want to share good stuff that happens. Today was a good day and I didn’t cry once. We read the story of the crucifixion this morning during our devotion time–only two more in the Lenten Devotional that we got from church–it’s been nice to share that each morning, and reading the whole account from the gospel of Mark was a good reminder of the sacrifice of Jesus on this Good Friday.
It was tax day here in Reinhardtville. We finished up the forms and got them signed and ready for the mail–nope, we don’t do it electronically and yup, Husband is the accountant and tax man. He does a great job, enjoys it, and it keeps it all here in the family, so why not? It was a peaceful process, but I got a nice surprise–those royalties add up! My book earnings for the year were about twice what I thought they were. Not sure why I didn’t realize what the total was, but I didn’t and when we checked through the forms together, I was surprised to see that my royalty income was greater than I thought. It’s still not much, but I’m happy with any kind of validation that I’m a real author.
After we got done with taxes, I finished up the laundry and baked sugar-free cookies, which Husband enjoys and I’m okay with. They’re not a binge temptation at all, so that’s good. We skipped supper because neither of us was particularly hungry and instead, I had some yogurt. Then we watched Driving Miss Daisy on Netflix. We’d seen it before, but we weren’t in the mood for any TV shows and it turned up in the “Popular on Netflix” queue, so we figured why not?
It’s still a good movie. Morgan Freeman and Jessica Tandy are amazing, although the whole getting older thing made me kinda sad. However, not sad enough to say no to On Golden Pond, which was “Suggested” after Driving Miss Daisy. Yeah, we watched that one. too–more aging folks. I miss Henry Fonda and Katherine Hepburn, don’t you? I miss those kinds of character-driven films. I knitted on my second baby blanket while we watched–it was fun and very relaxing.
Best part of the day? I went swimming this morning–being in the water is my go-to kind of therapy for me. I love the class and I love the instructor (Thank you, Terry!) and I love the workout. It just feels good, you know? To be weightless, but also to move with such ease and to let the water hold you up. Another best? Son shared their evening with us–he texted a picture of DIL and Grandboy at a new barbecue restaurant they tried tonight. Look at those sweet faces! How can you have a bad day when you see smiles like those?
Five things I’m grateful for today:
- The gym and the pool
- The taxes are done
- My baby blanket is coming along nicely and it looks good
- Jesus Christ as my personal savior
- Texting and Skype and other 21st-century communications
Liz Flaherty
A lovely post. I never realized what a beautiful smile Les has!
Hey, Liz! Isn’t she gorgeous? She’s also a sweetie pie…a great mom and a great wife for Son. Bises!