Nan In Search of Clarity–Day 26
I’m early today because it’s been a good day, so I’m posting this now and then I’m going to spend the evening cuddling with Husband on the sofa and… well… elsewhere later on. Hey, I’m a romance novelist–it’s my privilege to be a little racy now and again, right?
We went to church and I only cried a little. Honestly, the folks in that dear congregation are going to think my eyes are permanently damp and red-rimmed. But you know, it was better this Sunday. No big overwhelming choking feeling in my throat, no deep ache in my heart. Just a little sadness that Kate wasn’t sitting beside me in the pew and some regret that I balked so much at becoming a part of this wonderful church family for such a long time. They were a blessing to Kate and her family, and already, they’re a blessing to us… to me.
Then Sister and I took the guys and went downtown to see Stuart McLean and the Vinyl Cafe radio show. So delightful! He’s a storyteller extraordinaire and you know how I love storytellers! His musical guests were a group called Birds of Chicago and they were amazing! The last song they sang had PJ and I kinda misty and nudging one another because it was all about living in the here and now–something we both need to be reminded of right now. I’m linking you to the YouTube video of that song. Go to their website and buy their music. What a blessed afternoon!
Carol M
Of course, you knew Stuart McLean was Canadian. A little “duh” moment there. We are all huge fans. Love this group he brought to the concert. I will definitely buy their music. Lovely, Thanks for this, Nan.
I loved the music!! So great!!
Carol M
Did you know Stuart McLean is Canadian, me too. We go to his Christmas concert every year, it has become a tradition now. Love his stories and he always finds the most amazing talent. You probably new that too.
So glad you have had great days lately. Cuddle away, Nan.
How lucky for you to see McLean’s Christmas show! The show was a treat and we loved it! And yes, Days are getting better, Carol. Thanks for coming by.
Liz Flaherty
Sounds like a good day! Kate would be glad.
I think Kate would’ve loved this day and PJ and I certainly did. Bises, baby!