It’s Monday and I’m grateful…
I’m such a blessed woman, I’m amazed that sometimes I don’t always see that as clearly as I should. Today, I’m thankful for:
- The little video Son and DIL sent me of Grandboy tasting his first solid food. It is delightful, even though Grandboy’s not at all sure he’s into the rice cereal.
- Spending a couple of hours with Dee—she’s in the hospital being re-hydrated and given nutrition to build her up. Another test today to see if the docs can figure out a way to make eating easier. This thing sucks, so bad, and yet her main concern today was getting out in time to be able to vote tomorrow. How much does she rock?
- David, Dee’s husband, who has been and continues to be a rock. God, I love that man. She deserves someone wonderful and he is.
- Sunshine and blue skies today, which makes the chilly temps not all that bad.
- The aroma of homemade vegetable soup filling my house right this minute.
So, talk to me…what are you grateful for today?
Susan Courtney
I’m grateful for the sun today.
With you there, Suz!