Gratitude,  This Life...,  Writer's moments

Sunday Snippet: The Retreat Check-In Edition

What a wondrous time this has been! And today is our last full day here at this beautiful mountain house, so I’m feeling both sad that we will be starting our trek home tomorrow and yet happy and oh, so grateful for the days we’ve shared here.

We’ve laughed and read aloud and asked for words and opinions–“Listen…what’s wrong with this?” “Not a thing.” or “Take *that phrase* and move it to right after your introductory phrase…” “Ah, there, okay.” “Would he say______?” “Not if he’s looking for redemption.” “Do you want some toast with French butter?” “Well, yeah…” “How about cake?” “Yes! Cake!” “This is such a beautiful house!” “This is such a gorgeous house!” “Look at the mist over the mountains!” “This is such a beautiful place!” And so we have been enthralled and inspired and delighted and charmed.

Our hostess, Janie, took care of us for four days like she was our mommy and we all let her because she rocks at it and because it so clearly pleased her to do it. We are trying to find a way to thank her adequately for all she’s done to make us feel so welcome and at home.


Lunch in Asheville with two other authors made us all glad for this wonderful community of romance writers. What fun! What camaraderie! We were all so happy to be together and talk and talk and talk. Lovely Liz Kelly brought us gifts–books and swag! Loved her generosity! I was delighted to finally meet her in person after working with her for nearly 10 years and to meet the fabulous Rebecca Warner in person, again a great author I’ve worked with for several years.


We have another writing day today, then a little bit of sightseeing with Janie before dinner at a rather fancy restaurant in Little Switzerland, then Monday is packing, lunch, and heading home. We’ll drive partway, stop for the night, and get home late morning or early afternoon on Tuesday. All in all, a marvelous writing retreat!

Stay well, stay safe, wear your mask, and most of all, mes amies. stay grateful! I sure am!