Sunday Snippet: The It’s Been a Week Edition
And so it has…been a week, I mean. Husband and I both got flattened by a dreadful flu virus–the week we were planning to go get our flu shots. Sigh. Obviously, that’s been put off for another week. We are both doing better by now, although I’m a couple of days ahead of dear Husband because I started showing symptoms on Sunday and he didn’t feel crummy until about Wednesday. I even moved into the guest room so I wouldn’t breathe on him while we slept, but unfortunately that tactic didn’t serve us. The doc verified it was a flu virus and not Covid when I took Husband in on Thursday–his symptoms were worse than mine, so I insisted he get checked out.
As I’ve begun to feel better, I made a huge vat of soup, which is the only thing that sounds good to either of us, and yesterday, I went through the house wiping down surfaces and doorknobs and fridge handles with sanitizing wipes, stripped the beds and washed all the sheets and coverlets and pillow covers. Today, I’ll wash all the throws from the living room, run the vacuum and open up the doors and windows to whatever lovely breeze may come along. Supposed to be near 70 today, so we’ll bring fresh air in, and later I’ll set Husband in the sun to absorb some vitamin D.
Isn’t it funny how as we age, we simply don’t bounce back like we once did? A few years ago, a virus like this one would’ve been a minor annoyance. This week, it laid us both out. I was talking to Liz about it yesterday. I said I had no patience for feeling poorly, and I reject it as much as I can. Sometimes, though, it beats the crap out of you and all you can do is release the fight. I did that a couple of days this week, but holy crap, being sick feels like such an incredible waste of time. I think because I am hyper-aware of how very much time is a gift to me. I don’t want to waste a moment of it.
Which brings me to thoughts of aging. . . You know that old saying, “She’s not getting older, she’s getting better”? I want both. I want to get better and older. I want to live into my nineties and be that fascinating old lady that people love to be around because man, she’s a little crazy and a lot of fun. I want to write romantic books and swim in the lake and go boating and play with the Grandboy and enjoy my marriage and my family and my friends. I want to find a place to volunteer this winter and be of help to someone other than myself. I want to take a yoga class. I want to go back to France–maybe Provence this time. I want to taste some different wines and learn to cook some new and exotic dishes. I’m not done yet, not nearly done. I do think I’m getting better, but older is good, too . . . very good.
I’m adding a new feature to my Sunday Snippet starting today, one thing each week that delighted me: Something that delighted me this week: The colors on our little sweet gum tree delighted me!
Gratitude for this week: We made it through a week of flu; everything in the house is clean and sanitized; fresh clean flannel sheets; good friends who check in; fresh pears are remarkably good right now.
Stay well–get those vaccines if you haven’t already; choose kindness always; look around for something that delights you this week; and most of all, mes amis, stay grateful!
Carol Light
So sorry you both were flattened by the flu! Glad you’re better and enjoying the beautiful fall colors. I got my flu and COVID booster shots on Saturday, one in each arm and no problems. Now I’m armed (ha ha) against those bugs, I hope. Agree with you that we have to keep exploring, and learning, and having fun as we age. Maybe we do it differently or take more time, but who cares (another advantage of getting older is that you don’t care what other people think!). Take care and happy Halloween to all!
Roseann McGrath Brooks
Glad you’re starting to feel better. I agree that being sick is annoying for all the reasons you cite. BTW, if you ever take that trip to Provence, let me know. I spent a semester there in college and have gone back to visit several times. It’s a lovely area, and they speak French more slowly there, which makes it easier to understand!
Doris Lankford
I am so sorry you and your husband were sick but glad you both are feeling better.
Liz Flaherty
Glad you & your roommate are on the upward swing. It’s sure been the season of sick, hasn’t it?