Sunday Snippet: The I Hurt Edition
Yeah, I hurt, and I hate it! I did something squirrelly to my neck and shoulder last week, and ice and ibuprofen weren’t cutting it. So when I wen in for my annual checkup on Thursday, I mentioned the pain to my doc. She felt around (yikes!), found the offending muscles, recommended some exercises to help stretch out the pain and wrote me a scrip for a muscle relaxant. Said to give it two weeks and if it’s not gone by then to check in with her again.
So…muscle relaxants. Um…the dose is two before bed, however, Doc said that since I’ve never had muscle relaxants before, I should start with a half a pill and see how that goes. Well, howdy… that half a pill made sleeping possible again–ah, heaven. However, during the day, I am still icing and stiff and incredibly ouchie, so I’m calling my chiropractor on Monday and will try to get in to see her and the massage therapist.
Can I just say that I suck at being in pain, although I’ve had plenty of practice thanks to the genetic proclivity for osteoarthritis that has pretty much been a part of my life since I was sixteen. I have that well under control though, with lots of movement and natural remedies, so it really steams me that I can’t get this crazy shoulder/neck thing under control. I have so very much sympathy for people who are in constant terrible pain. How do they bear it?
On the rest of life–well, it goes on. I’m nearly at 10K words on the WIP and Eli and Jazz’s story is coming together. I keep a notebook with me all the time because they keep talking to me and I don’t want to miss a thing. Editing gigs go along as well, although working with an ice pack resting on my shoulder is a bit awkward. We soldier on…
I wish I had something more brilliant and fun to tell you, but right now, this is it for me. Oh, oh, check out the new Lange Brothers page that Son set up for me last week–it’s fun and gives you a hint of what’s to come in River’s Edge in 2022.
Stay well, stay safe, wear your mask, and most of all, mes amies, stay grateful!
Thanks for the advice, Renee! I didn’t know that. I’ll remember acupuncture if the chiro visit doesn’t get it done. Hugs right back!
Renee Habibi
FYI, from my own experience, Nancy, I’d stay clear of massage for a bit. It could actually add to the inflammation. I had great relief from acupuncture after trying EVERYTHING else. Hopefully, it will ease up SOON!