Sunday Snippet, Thanksgiving Version
Are you finding it hard to be thankful this year? 2020 has been a royal b#*ch of year, hasn’t it? So many things to be unhappy about. So many things to whine about. So many things to be just plain mad about. I know. I feel you. I truly do.
However, I’m going to focus on the stuff to be happy about, to rejoice about, to be glad for. Here, in no particular order, is my Thanksgiving 2020 Gratitude List. I hope you’ll share yours.
- Husband. That’s all, just Husband. I tell y’all constantly what a great guy he is, so no need to expound here.
- Son, DIL, and Grandboy, who bring joy to my life every single day
- Our Covid Pod–Husband and me, DIL’s parents, and Son, Dil, and Grandboy. We are the Magnificent Seven. Taking care of each other, helping each other, staying away from the rest of the world as much as we can so we can gather, and taking all the precautions necessary to keep our little group of seven together, strong, and healthy.
- My sister.
- My writing bestie, Liz Flaherty, who cheers me on, loves me even when she believes I’m being truly silly, and keeps me centered, on track, and focused, when all I want to do is wander merrily around the Web.
- Moe, who listens, lets me cry, and is the president of my fan club. Thank you, honey!
- Har, who rocks as a friend and a beta and has faith that I am becoming a better writer with each book.
- My dear friends–y’all know who you are, right? I’m so blessed to have a large circle of good friends!
- My new home and my new neighborhood–we are simply delighted to be here.
- My church–Allisonville Christian Church–an open and affirming congregation where all are welcome and loved.
- My publisher–Tule Publishing–who believes in Nan, the author, and takes a chance on me with every book. Also in this one is my editor, Sinclair Sawhney, who is always kind and gracious, even when she has to say, “Nope, this isn’t working.”
It’s a weird world out there right now, mes amies, but we are able to rise above it all through the power of unity. Let’s hold each other up through this and come rejoicing out of the darkness into the light.
Stay well, stay safe, and most all, please, stay grateful.