I’m Working…and Musing…
…and for that I am grateful. It feels like often, I moan about having to do editing gigs, but really, it’s okay. It’s good to work and I love my job. I know how fortunate I am to have this kind of job–one where I can stay home and do the work in my jammies with my window open to the lovely breeze outside. I’m also getting more and more fiction work, which is so terrific! I love editing fiction! Seriously, after 25 years of working on computer titles, fiction is a very welcome change.
I sometimes wonder how much longer I’ll be able to be a copyeditor. I hope for a long while yet. I’m the only one of our lake friends who’s still working–everyone else is retired. Well, except for our resident artist who is still painting, but I’m guessing she’ll be doing that until she takes her last breath. She’s about painting the way I am about writing.
Oh, speaking of writing–big news! All the Women of Willow Bay books will soon be available in print!! YAY!! So, if you’ve been dying for a print copy of Once More From the Top or Sex and the Widow Miles or The Summer of Second Chances, they’re coming! Just got my new full covers finished up yesterday and they look pretty amazing, I think. The background on the back cover is a great shot of Lake Michigan that I took on one of my trips ups there. All three books have the same back cover–just different blurbs and tag lines. I think it works. Here’s one–what do you think? Pretty, huh?
I missed a couple days of gratitude, so here we go–five things I’m grateful for today:
- The sunshine and cool breezes and the cool temps at night that make sleeping a sensual pleasure.
- I’m wearing a sweater that used to be Kate’s today–it’s almost like a hug from her.
- Spent time with PJ yesterday and discovered I’m not the only one who’s somewhat at a loss in life right now–we talked about how the sadness sometimes jumps up and grabs us, shed a few tears together, had a nice lunch, and made plans for Labor Day. So glad we still have each other.
- Coffee.
- Getting picture texts from Grandboy’s trip to Disneyland (see above!). How fun!!
Deborah Blake
Yay! Nan in print! Huzzah! The cover looks fab! (I know, you want to edit out a couple of exclamation points, don’t you?)
In this case, the exclamation points can stand, Deb! Thank you!!
Liz Flaherty
Love your covers!
Thanks, Liz! I love them too! I’m going to in print! That’s kinda cool, you know?