
Day 4 Gratitude and Sunshine

It’s a beautiful day here at the lake–lots of sun and fluffy clouds and lovely temperatures in the 70s. It’s quiet in the trailerhood since it’s Wednesday and the weekenders aren’t here. I’m enjoying a lovely breeze through the window and the scent of fall is kind of in the air. I took my itchy, sore left eye to an eye doctor in town this morning and she diagnosed it with severe inflammation due to allergies, prescribed steroid eye drops and no contact lenses for a week. One drop and my eye already feels better, so win for me.

I started on Brendan’s story yesterday and I think I’m liking the direction I’m headed. We’ll see how he goes. In the meantime, I’m collecting promo materials, checking out places to go for book tours, and just generally preparing for Aidan’s book launch. Soon, I’ll have a cover and title for you. Fun!

Gratitude today:
A fix for my eye
Lovely lake friends
Husband, who loves me so very much
Just 10 days until Liz and I leave for MI!

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