Day 22: Gratitude and a Good Day

Today Liz and I did a presentation at the library (remember Two Natural Blondes…?) and it was great fun! Sandy, the events coordinator, did a gorgeous job setting up for us, we had a good group of folks come to listen and participate, and…ta da! We sold some books. All in all, a good time. Afterward, Liz and D and Husband and I and Moe all went out to supper together. They make such huge portions at the Chinese place, we all ended up bringing home tomorrow’s lunch and maybe even the next day’s.
I’ve been working on editing gigs since I got home this evening and I’m winding down fast, so here’s today gratitude:
A good time at the library with readers
A whole day of NOT worrying about houses
I’m learning my laptop and getting comfortable
Gentle rain shower on the way home and it’s still dripping some
Got one editing gig done, another one well underway
That’s it for me tonight, mes amies, remember to hold your face to the sun, be grateful for all things, and love well.