A Letter to Cameron
Being a parent didn’t prepare me for grandparenthood—I know that sounds silly, but it is so true. Of course, all the basic baby care stuff is there. I know how to change your diaper, feed you a bottle, pat you through a tummy ache, and snap up your onsie. What I wasn’t prepared for was the overwhelming love I feel for you, little guy. And it’s different from the love I feel for your daddy not more intense, just different. When your dad was born, I knew from his first breath that he would be always be the love of my life and he is. I tried once to explain that feeling to him, but there are no adequate words for a mother’s love for her child. Your mommy knows now–I told her that the awesome is so great, you can’t even find words to describe it, but she didn’t know until you were born. You are now the love of her life, little one, and now I have another love in mine.
Here’s the best part, little man: Mom love is completely unconditional. Any mother I know would walk across hot ground glass for her child, no matter what his age. A friend once told me that to be parent allows you a brief glimpse at the love that the Creator feels for us—to be a mother is to know the heart of God. Being your grandmother shows me another piece of that divine love. The first time I held you, my heart was so full, it nearly burst. It’s an incomparable rush. I suddenly realized how life works in circles that widen ever outward. Mommy and Daddy are continuing the cycle of our family and one day they too, will know this rush of overwhelming love for your child.
But for now, be indulgent as they ooh and ah over all the awesome “firsts” of new parenthood. They will be amazed at all the things you do that you know are perfectly normal behavior for a human being. Let them be thrilled when you smile, enjoy how excited they get when you poop and burp and coo and start to form words. That’s part of the joy of being a mommy and daddy, and even though you know that kicking your little legs and grasping Dad’s finger or grabbing Mom’s hair is exactly what you should be doing, they’re going to be charmed and just adore you more each day.
Most of all, recognize how lucky you are to have two such awesome parents. Daddy is so smart and he will teach you wonderful things about the world and how it works. Listen and learn. Trust him, his instincts are good, just like his father’s are. Even though you may butt heads as all sons and fathers do, he’ll never ever steer you wrong and he will love you beyond reason forever. Your mommy is made for motherhood–you couldn’t have chosen a better woman to be born to. She’ll be a gift to you all your life and love you more than anyone else ever. She’s wise and her world is full of art and fascinating events and people. Indulge her, let her love on you, and always, always let her hug and kiss you. Moms need that and so do boys, even though you might go through a time when you think you don’t. Most of all, enjoy your mommy and daddy—they’re fun people and laughter and music and play will always be a part of your life with them.
Remember that even though Nanny and Pops and Grandma and Grandpa J live far away, the miles between us can never diminish our love for you. We all adore you across mountains and prairies and you’re always in our hearts. We’ll visit often and send you little reminders of how often we think of you. We can’t wait for you to visit us so we can show you off to our friends. We’re all so glad that you were born into a world of awesome technology so we can Skype and email and Facebook with you and Mommy and Daddy. That makes the time away from all of you just a little easier to bear. For us, stay a child as long as you can—the world moves so fast today. It’s important to live life to its fullest and enjoy each moment.
I love you, little one,
Your Nanny
Thanks, Cuzzy Cindy! Hope you get to meet the boy one day! He’s precious!
What a beautiful post!!! And what a lucky grandbaby to have you as his grandmother!!! XOXO
Thanks, Kieran! He’s so perfect and wondrous! I had no idea!
robena grant
What a wonderful letter to your grandson. And that photo is gorgeous.
So glad you came by, Roben! Aren’t they all just beautiful?!
Betty Fokker
Congratulations on this newest happiness!!!
There are no words, Fokker! Just you wait!
So beautiful.
YOu made me cry.
That Cameron is a very special, very lucky boy.
Hugs, you brilliant girl. (can I call you “girl” even though you’re a grandma now? I THINK SO 😀 )
Absolutely, Diva–even Grandma’s can be called girl! I cried my heart out writing it and then again when I had to kiss the little darling goodbye. Broke my heart to leave him!
Liz Flaherty
Oh, Nanahood–the best of all things, and this letter is a wonderful gift for Cameron.
Thanks, Liz–yup, Nannyhood is the best of all things and my grandson is a treasure!
cindy MUeller
Could have not been written more beautifully 🙂