Weekend Writing Warriors 8-Sentence Sunday
Sunday’s come round again and here’s another snippet from Sex and the Widow Miles. We’re still in the chocolate lava cake kiss scene and Julie’s toes are curling as Will takes the kiss as far as he can with a granite countertop barrier between them. But then…he surprises her…
When I opened my eyes, he was staring at me; heat flared in his expression, his pupils were pinpricks of emotion, and he swallowed hard.
My libido shouted at me to grab him and haul him to the closest bed. When I met his gaze, I knew in that moment all I had to do was give him a sign and he’d make love to me right then and there. Dear God, I wanted to, more than I’d ever wanted anything in my life, but I didn’t say a word.
His breathing stuttered and his hands on my face shook. Then he surprised the hell out of me. He closed his eyes, and a deep breath later, tucked my tousled hair behind my ear and brushed his lips over mine.
“Good night, Slugger, thanks for dinner. It was great.”
Thanks for stopping by and please don’t miss the other Weekend Writing Warriors. Head on over and check out the work of dozens of other writers. You’ll be so glad you did!
And watch for the first two books in The Women of Willow Bay series, ONCE MORE FROM THE TOP and SEX AND THE WIDOW MILES, coming September 26 to an e-reader near you!
Siobhan Muir
Oh, man, she let him make the decision and missed an opportunity. Nicely done, Nan.
Hey Siobhan! Thanks for for stopping back! Glad you liked it!
Teresa Cypher
A gentleman! Nearly as rare as unicorns 😉 lol. I like it, Nan! I hope you have a wonderful time in CA–enjoy that little guy 🙂
Thanks, Teresa! I can’t wait to see my baby! I’ll be back in two weeks!
Veronica Scott
Interesting move on his part. I rather like it! Terrific snippet!
Thanks, Veronica!
Oh man, I’m so looking forward for this and the other book to come out! (Even though I don’t want to rush the summer away.) So, happy anticipation!
Thanks, Skye! I’m so anxious and thrilled and nervous and scared…no, summer needs to hang out a little while longer while I prepare myself for doing this thing!
Millie Burns
Nice eight. Makes me like this man even more. I like his restraint and apparent thoughtfulness, doing what’s best for her and being patient.
Thanks, Millie! So glad you stopped by!
Linda Morris
Whoa, way to leave us hanging, not to mention leaving her hanging! Great snippet. Looking forward to this one.
Thank, Linda! It’s going to get worse because I’m not snippeting the next scene…it’s too big a reveal of the plot. I’m probably going to bring in a snippet from ONCE MORE FROM THE TOP next time…I’m mean, I know!
Jess Schira
Sometimes it’s best to do what libido wants. By the way, any scene that can be title Chocolate lava kiss scene is going bound to be awesome. Great job!
Thanks for coming by, Jess, and yep, sometimes you do need to just follow your instincts… 😉
Oh man, you’re as bad a tease as Will is! Why did he stop?? *sigh* Thanks for posting this!
He needs her to come to him, I think…stay tuned, Marcia. Thanks for stopping by!