• Sunday Snippet: The I’m Still in Promotion Edition

    Well, The Valentine Wager released two weeks ago and yeah, I’m still in full promotion mode. The book signing at Whyte Horse winery was canceled because we had snowstorm the day before and the whole state was in red-alert emergency mode and roads were pretty much impassable. We’re setting a new spring date for that one, so that’s all good. Watch for me in late April or early May there. I did end up signing at the Gal’s Guide Library in Noblesville yesterday and had an absolute blast. Right off, the folks at Gal’s Guide and Nickel Plate Arts are just delightful–so warm and welcoming. Thanks to Leah and Lisa…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Get Ready for Shameless Self-Promotion Edition

    Yup, it’s that time. Book release week means y’all are gonna be inundated, bombarded, deluged, drenched… well, you get the picture. You’re gonna hear a lot about The Valentine Wager, which releases this Tuesday, February 1. I am over-the-moon excited and I hope you are, too. This is Book 1 in the Lange Brothers series–my three brothers who are all first responders in River’s Edge, Indiana. Yeah, we grow ’em brave, compassionate, and kinda sexy in the Hoosier state (and not just in my imagination!). If you pre-ordered, The Valentine Wager will be on your e-reader when you wake up Tuesday morning. If you haven’t, why not? Oh, sorry, I…

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  • Sunday Snippet: The First Real Snippet for 2022 Edition

    It’s cold here–like really cold. Single digits cold. We went up to check on the lake cottage on Thursday and discovered that the pilot light on the furnace had blown out in the high winds they’d had on Tuesday and Wednesday. It was 23 degrees in the cottage and the antifreeze in the toilets had a skim of ice. Yikes! Husband relit the pilot and then we went to friend Moe’s (she’s a year-rounder) and stayed in her warm house until ours got up to a decent temperature. The cottage is totally winterized, so all is well, and the time away from my computer gave me the opportunity to sit…