Sunday Snippet: The River’s Edge Is Happening Edition
I’m old enough to remember when people would say something was “happening.” You know, like “it’s a happening place”? I’m not sure when that phrase started or when it stopped being part of the vernacular, but this past week, my little town of River’s Edge, Indiana, was a happening place–for real. Let me explain… River’s Edge, my fictional town on the Ohio River, is inspired by a real town on the Ohio River called Madison, Indiana. Madison is a lovely place, filled with history and culture and art and wonderful kind folks. It’s one of my very favorite places to visit, and when I wanted a setting for my sweet,…
Sunday Snippet: The I’m Writing Edition
Yup, mes amies. I’m writing like a crazy woman, but taking breaks to stand up and walk around and eat now and again. My brain is mush, so I got nothin’ for today, so here are so gorgeous pictures of River’s Edge. Y’all know that my little fictional town is based on Madison, Indiana, and Brenda Guess Shropshire is an amazing photographer who captures the most spectacular photos of that river town. Take a look and enjoy! I’ll be back next week with a special guest on Tuesday and an Author Spotlight on Wednesday. Hope to see then! Gratitude for today: The tooth is extracted and and I’ve gone from…
Sunday Snippet: The Writing Furiously Edition
And so I have been, writing furiously that is. Close to 8ooo words in a week. That’s pretty heavy writing for yours truly. One thing that has really helped up that word count is sprinting. If you don’t already know, sprints are timed writing challenges that writers do together. Sometimes it’s just Liz and me, other times it’s Liz, me, and several Tule authors that get together online. We chat for a few minutes (okay, whine), and then we turn off our cameras and mics and each spend anywhere from 25 minutes to 50 minutes writing. It’s not a time for editing or research, it’s a time for getting words…
Sunday Snippet–The Real Snippet Edition
I keep thinking I should be inventing cute titles for these weekly posts–something to pull you in, make you sit up and take notice and think, “Oh, oh, I want to read that!” My first title here today was “The Post-Insurrection Edition,” however, I’m not completely convinced we are in the post-insurrection mode quite yet, so I’m going to go with a real snippet today from the first book in the new Langes of River’s Edge series that will be releasing from Tule Publishing in 2022. Beats heck out of rehashing the past week’s political chaos, don’t you think? Everyone loves Mac’s Riverside Diner and Mac and Carly are still…