• Sunday Snippet: The Whoops, It’s Monday Edition

    Yup, I spaced it, and I swear it’s not because I’m turning 69 years old today (I hear the cheers and good wishes, thank you!). Rather it was because I turned my computer off before I started getting ready for a family birthday celebration and just never turned it back on.  I rarely do that, but I put everything, except preparing for a day with sister and the kids out of my head and focused entirely on celebration. It was nice. So today, you get book promotion, which certainly saves you time and me, too. Next week (October 2-6), Liz and I will be on retreat, so we’ll be posting…

  • Sunday Snippet: The Pretty Pictures Edition

    Yeah, I’m still under that deadline–getting closer, but not quite there–and September 15 looms large. So no words today, wise or otherwise. Instead here are some pretty pictures of our gardens as they drift into fall. Enjoy! But first, a quick bit of Tule Publishing business–we’re celebrating our 8th birthday with a 50% off sale on all e-books (including mine!), so hop on over to the Tule Shop and get happy! Stay well, stay safe, wear your mask, and most of all, mes amies, stay grateful!                    

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  • Saturday Snippet

    …is just musing today because it’s my birthday and I’m feeling, well, musie. For so many years, I worried–I mean I seriously feared–that I would die at age 60 like my mother. I’m like her in a lot of ways, but thankfully not that one, because today I’m turning 67. I never imagined that I’d get to 60, let alone pass it with another seven years, so each year is a precious gift. Even in the year 2020, which has been a truly crap year on so many levels. I’m alive, I’m strong, I’m healthy, my family is healthy, I have a safe warm house, and lots of wonderful friends.…

  • Days 20 & 21: Gratitude and Disappointment

    Right off, it’s a great day today, September 21, because it’s my sister, PJ’s birthday. So anything else that happened today gets overshadowed by that wonderful fact. Happy birthday, Sister! I love you to the moon and back! I’m doing two days because, frankly, I fell asleep last night before I could blog. I’m not blaming the tequila or the bottle of wine I shared with Husband and pal, Moe, but there are those who might. To them I say, “Piffle.” We had a great evening, sharing a meal, some lovely beverages, and a cutthroat game of Phase 10. Moe won. Today, we went to see two houses that looked…

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